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Acta Neuropathologica

Issue 5/2005

Content (15 Articles)

Regular Paper

Klotho insufficiency causes decrease of ribosomal RNA gene transcription activity, cytoplasmic RNA and rough ER in the spinal anterior horn cells

Yorito Anamizu, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Atsushi Seichi, Shinji Yamaguchi, Emiko Kawakami, Naotoshi Kanda, Shiro Matsubara, Makoto Kuro-o, Yoichi Nabeshima, Kozo Nakamura, Kiyomitsu Oyanagi

Regular Paper

Changes in hippocampal GABABR1 subunit expression in Alzheimer’s patients: association with Braak staging

Masahiko Iwakiri, Katsuyoshi Mizukami, Milos D. Ikonomovic, Masanori Ishikawa, Shin Hidaka, Eric E. Abrahamson, Steven T. DeKosky, Takashi Asada

Regular Paper

Thrombus and encapsulated hematoma in cerebral cavernous malformations

Masamitsu Abe, Kenji Fukudome, Yasuo Sugita, Tsuyoshi Oishi, Kazuo Tabuchi, Teruaki Kawano

Regular Paper

Stereological studies of capillary length density in the frontal cortex of schizophrenics

Pawel Kreczmanski, Rainald Schmidt-Kastner, Helmut Heinsen, Harry W. M. Steinbusch, Patrick R. Hof, Christoph Schmitz

Regular Paper

Aberrant neuronal-glial differentiation in Taylor-type focal cortical dysplasia (type IIA/B)

Chris Englund, Rebecca D. Folkerth, Donald Born, J. Matthew Lacy, Robert F. Hevner

Short Original Communication

No prognostic impact of survivin expression in glioblastoma

Matthias Preusser, Ellen Gelpi, Radek Matej, Christine Marosi, Karin Dieckmann, Karl Rössler, Herbert Budka, Johannes A. Hainfellner

Case Report

Involvement of mitochondria in myasthenia gravis complicated with dermatomyositis and rheumatoid arthritis: a case report

Kana Shichijo, Takao Mitsui, Makoto Kunishige, Yukiko Kuroda, Kenjiro Masuda, Toshio Matsumoto

Letter to the Editor

Unexpected sudden death caused by medullary brain lesions involves all age groups and may include ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ as a subset

J. Howard Jaster, Josef Zamecnik, Ales Bartos, F. Curtis Dohan Jr, Thomas W. Smith

Letter to the Editor

Unexpected sudden death related to medullary brain lesions

Luigi Matturri, Giulia Ottaviani, Anna M. Lavezzi