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Open Access 01-12-2017 | Short Report

A pilot study with early adolescents: dealing with diet, tobacco and air pollution using practical experiences and biological markers

Authors: Chiara Marabelli, Elena Munarini, Micaela Lina, Roberto Mazza, Roberto Boffi, Cinzia De Marco, Ario Ruprecht, Giorgia Angellotti, Chiara Veronese, Paolo Pozzi, Eleonora Bruno, Giuliana Gargano, Adalberto Cavalleri, Giulia Garrone, Franco Berrino

Published in: Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine | Issue 1/2017

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Tobacco use and the Western diet are two of the most important and investigated topics in relation to adolescents’ health. In addition, air pollution is a crucial subject for future generations. School is a key social environment that should promote healthy behaviors in children and adolescents. In this field many different programs have been conducted, with mixed results and effectiveness. Research data suggest that comprehensive and multicomponent approaches may have a greater effect on tobacco use and diet, especially when integrated into a community-wide approach.


The present work describes a multi-area pilot study called “La Scuola della Salute” (the School of Health) with a focus on the methodological aspects of the intervention. In our study we assessed different web-based and practical experiences related to adolescents’ smoking and dietary behaviors and awareness of smoke-related air pollution. Furthermore, to make adolescents more conscious of smoking and dietary behaviors, we conducted experiential workshops that addressed smoking and environmental pollution, food education, and lifestyle. Teachers and school administrators were involved in the project.


At baseline we investigated dietary habits, tobacco use, and individual and social characteristics by means of lifestyle questionnaires. In addition, we collected anthropometric parameters and performance indicators such as exhaled carbon monoxide and urinary fructose to assess smoking and nutrition habits. At the end of the intervention lifestyle questionnaire and biological markers were collected again: knowledge about these topics was significantly improved, and the urinary fructose was able to estimate the levels of obesity in the classes.


The integrated approach, combined with the use of biological markers, could be an innovative approach to the promotion of healthy lifestyles among adolescents, but further research is needed.
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A pilot study with early adolescents: dealing with diet, tobacco and air pollution using practical experiences and biological markers
Chiara Marabelli
Elena Munarini
Micaela Lina
Roberto Mazza
Roberto Boffi
Cinzia De Marco
Ario Ruprecht
Giorgia Angellotti
Chiara Veronese
Paolo Pozzi
Eleonora Bruno
Giuliana Gargano
Adalberto Cavalleri
Giulia Garrone
Franco Berrino
Publication date
BioMed Central
Published in
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine / Issue 1/2017
Electronic ISSN: 2049-6958

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