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34571 search results for:

Peripheral Nerve Surgery 

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  1. 15-02-2024 | Nerve Block | OriginalPaper

    Impact of the combination of abdominal peripheral nerve block and neuromuscular blockade on the surgical space during robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery: a prospective randomized controlled study

    Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgeries have the benefits of minimal invasiveness and earlier recovery compared to conventional open abdominal surgeries [ 1 ]. However, a sufficient view and sufficient space in the abdominal cavity are essential for …

  2. 07-08-2023 | Inguinal Hernia Surgery | OriginalPaper

    Ten steps for proper peripheral nerve handling during inguinal hernia surgery

    Post-inguinal pain after hernia surgery is prevalent and can be quite frustrating for the surgeon and patient alike [ 1 ]. All surgical specialties tend to work in surgical silos and echo chambers, which limit our exposure to current techniques …

  3. Open Access 01-12-2023 | General Anesthesia | OriginalPaper

    Effect of peripheral nerve block versus general anesthesia on the hemodynamics and prognosis of diabetic patients undergoing diabetic foot Surgery

    Diabetes mellitus significantly impairs global public health, with over 422 million individuals affected worldwide, according to 2014 statistics [ 1 ]. This trend is expected to continue, with an estimated 642 million individuals projected to live …

  4. 01-01-2022 | Bariatric Surgery | ReviewPaper

    The Use of Peripheral Nerve Blockade in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery: Is There a Benefit?

    The use of laparoscopic and robotic surgery has increased rapidly in the past decade. Over 14 million laparoscopic surgeries are performed around the world every year. By the end of 2017, 4666 robotic consoles had been installed worldwide [ 1 ] and …

  5. Open Access 01-12-2023 | General Anesthesia | OriginalPaper

    Functional recovery with peripheral nerve block versus general anesthesia for upper limb surgery: a systematic review

    More than 22 million orthopedic surgeries are performed worldwide each year [ 1 ]. Orthopedic upper limb surgeries represent more than half of the surgeries performed yearly and are associated with severe postoperative pain requiring multimodal …

  6. Open Access 01-12-2019 | Nerve Suture | ReviewPaper

    The role of peripheral nerve surgery in a tissue reinnervation

    In modern neuroscience, the most relevant is the study of the problem of reinnervation of tissues after severe injuries. Complete restoration of lost physiological functions is still impossible with lesions of peripheral nerves with the formation …

  7. 13-09-2022 | Spinal Anesthesia | Letter

    Intraoperative hemodynamic stability in peripheral nerve block patients undergoing diabetic foot surgery

  8. 27-04-2022 | Opioids | Letter

    Continuous peripheral nerve blocks for outpatient orthopedic surgery: improving patient care and hospital efficiency through knowledge translation

  9. 26-07-2022 | Breast Surgery | ReviewPaper

    Association of peripheral nerve blocks with patient-reported quality of recovery in female patients receiving breast cancer surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies

    This systematic review and meta-analysis was reported based on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 2020 statement. 23 The protocol was preregistered in the international prospective register …

  10. Open Access 01-09-2020 | Opioids | ReviewPaper

    Review of Current Practices of Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Hip Fracture and Surgery

    The current shift toward longevity brings with it a multitude of medical issues. One such is the incidence of osteoporotic fractures, namely, hip fracture. The annual incidence of hip fractures in the USA is 280,000 with women being twice as prone …

  11. 01-08-2020 | Nerve Injury | OriginalPaper

    Surgical Results of the Use of Expanded Polytetrafluor Ethylene as an Adhesion Inhibitory Membrane in Anastomosis Surgery for Total Peripheral Nerve Cut

    The fibrotic tissue that appears following nerve damage can prevent axonal regeneration. Expanded polytetrafluor ethylene (ePTFE) is a synthetic polymer with antiadhesive properties and a safe history of use in neurosurgery. The aim of this study …

  12. 01-12-2019 | Incision | OriginalPaper

    Extracapsular dissection in peripheral nerve schwannoma surgery using bright light and fluorescein sodium visualization: case series

    Schwannomas are the most frequent peripheral nerve sheath tumors and represent 5% of all soft tissue tumors [ 9 ]. They are slow-growing neoplasms that almost never undergo malignant transformation and are therefore treated by surgical resection …

  13. Open Access 01-12-2019 | General Anesthesia | OriginalPaper

    Functional recovery with peripheral nerve block versus general anesthesia for upper limb surgery: a systematic review protocol

  14. 01-10-2019 | Oxycodone | OriginalPaper

    Motor-sparing high-thoracic erector spinae plane block for proximal humerus surgery and total shoulder arthroplasty surgery: clinical evidence for differential peripheral nerve block?

  15. 01-02-2020 | OriginalPaper

    The hemodynamic and pain impact of peripheral nerve block versus spinal anesthesia in diabetic patients undergoing diabetic foot surgery

    Diabetes mellitus is a worldwide epidemic, with a global prevalence of 382 million people in 2013 and expected to rise to 592 million by 2035 [ 1 , 2 ]. Individuals with this disease have a twofold or greater increased risk of coronary heart …

  16. 01-02-2019 | ReviewPaper

    Current concepts in peripheral nerve surgery

    The injuries of the peripheral nerves are relatively frequent. Some of them may lead to defects which cannot be repaired with direct end-to-end repair without tension. These injuries may cause function loss to the patient, and they consist a …

  17. 01-04-2018 | OriginalPaper

    Nerve detection during surgery: optical spectroscopy for peripheral nerve localization

    Precise nerve localization is of major importance in both surgery and regional anesthesia. Optically based techniques can identify tissue through differences in optical properties, like absorption and scattering. The aim of this study was to …

  18. 01-08-2018 | EditorialNotes

    Peripheral nerve surgery: the road less traveled

  19. 01-02-2019 | OriginalPaper

    The Role of Peripheral Nerve Catheters in Buprenorphine/Naloxone Management in Elective Orthopedic Surgery: A Case Report

    Buprenorphine/naloxone (sold as Suboxone, among other brands) is a highly effective treatment for opioid dependence [ 8 ]. As interventions to curb the opioid crisis become more prevalent, we anticipate the number of patients on …

  20. 01-04-2019 | BookReview

    M. Socolovsky, L. Rasulic, R. Midha, D. Garozzo: Manual of peripheral nerve surgery: from the basics to complex procedures

    Thieme Verlag, New York, Stuttgart, Delhi, Rio de Janeiro, 2017, 238 pp, 267 figs., 270.0 mm, Softcover (GEB), EUR (D) 149,99, EUR (A) 154,20, CHF 172,00, ISBN: 978-3-13-240955-2

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