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11622 search results for:

Operations on the Blood Vessels 

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  1. Open Access 19-02-2024 | Headache | OriginalPaper

    A case report: new-onset nummular headache after stenting of the middle cerebral artery

    Headache is relatively common in patients after stent placement for intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis, but this is the first report of nummular headache.

  2. Open Access 08-11-2023 | Stroke | Case Study

    Carotid free-floating thrombus stemming from carotid web

    The co-occurrence of two rare but critical causes of ischemic stroke. Meticulous evaluation of non-invasive and invasive vascular imaging tests detected a carotid free-floating thrombus originating from a contiguous carotid web.

  3. 17-05-2024 | Abstract

    Abstracts of the ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena, Colombia

    June 11–15, 2024
  4. Open Access 01-06-2024 | Abstract

    SCTS annual meeting 2023 abstracts

  5. 01-06-2024 | Events

    CARS 2024—Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 38th International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 18–21, 2024

  6. 08-05-2024 | Injectable Filler | Online First

    Efficacy of Superselective Intra-arterial Recanalization of Embolized Arteries Resulting from Facial Hyaluronic Acid Injection

    The soft tissue filler injection is one of the most common minimally invasive cosmetic operations. Due to its advantages of simple procedure, high safety, repeatable injection, hyaluronic acid (HA) is commonly used to treat various types of facial …

  7. 23-05-2024 | News

    The American Society of Breast Surgeons Official Proceedings, Volume XXV 2024 Annual Meeting Scientific Session Abstracts

  8. Open Access 02-06-2024 | Online First

    Aortic roadmapping during EVAR: a combined FEM–EM tracking feasibility study

    Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is a minimally invasive treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm. This procedure is traditionally guided by fluoroscopy and digital subtraction angiography for visualization of the tools and blood vessels

  9. 01-06-2024 | Abstract

    ESPR 2024

  10. Open Access 01-12-2024 | OriginalPaper

    Risk factors for delayed colorectal postpolypectomy bleeding: a meta-analysis

    Colonoscopy is very practical for screening and preventing colon cancer, and its importance is self-evident [ 1 ]. Endoscopic colorectal polypectomy has been proven to be an effective method to reduce the mortality of colorectal cancer [ 2 ]. With …

  11. 24-04-2024 | Abstract

    ECIO 2024 Book of Abstracts

  12. 20-03-2024 | Events


  13. 29-01-2024 | ReviewPaper

    Nanorobotic artificial blood components and its therapeutic applications: A minireview

    Numerous scientific and medical domains have been revolutionized by nanotechnology, opening up unprecedented opportunities for healthcare applications. Among these developments, the creation of nanorobots for artificial blood components is a novel …

  14. 06-02-2024 | News

    18th German Spine Congress Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society 29th November to 1st December 2023 Stuttgart, Germany

  15. 30-01-2024 | Amphotericin B | ReviewPaper

    Clinical treatment of cryptococcal meningitis: an evidence-based review on the emerging clinical data

    Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is a fatal fungal central nervous system (CNS) infection caused by Cryptococcus infecting the meninges and/or brain parenchyma, with fever, headache, neck stiffness, and visual disturbances as the primary clinical …

  16. 08-03-2024 | News

    Society of Surgical Oncology SSO 2024 Annual Meeting

  17. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Angiography | OriginalPaper

    Deep learning-based 3D cerebrovascular segmentation workflow on bright and black blood sequences magnetic resonance angiography

    The incidence of cerebrovascular diseases, including cerebral venous thrombosis [ 1 ], has been increasing annually, surpassing incidence expectations. Several studies [ 2 , 3 ] have indicated that risk factors such as hypertension and …

  18. Open Access 01-12-2024 | CABG | OriginalPaper

    The efficacy of minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting (mics cabg) for patients with coronary artery diseases and diabetes: a single center retrospective study

    Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is better than Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) in treating patients with comorbid Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) and diabetes [ 1 , 2 ]. According to research, CAD are often complex when accompanied …

  19. Open Access 01-12-2024 | Rectal Cancer | OriginalPaper

    A novel perineal exposure method in laparoscopic abdominal perineal resection of rectal cancer: a case series study

    Colorectal cancer is the fourth most lethal cancer in the world, and approximately 900 thousand people die from colorectal cancer each year [ 1 ]. The incidence of rectal cancer is steadily increasing every year, and 70–80% of rectal cancer lesions …

  20. 28-05-2024 | Rhinoplasty | Online First

    Saddle Nose Deformity Reconstruction with a Allograft Bone

    The aesthetic appearance of the nose has a significant impact on the overall appearance of a person. Insufficient support of the dorsal septum, with excessive reduction of the osteochondral arch of the middle arch, leads to the occurrence of …

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