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The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research

Issue 2/2005

Content (10 Articles)

Special Issue

The assessment of trauma history in women with Co-occurring substance abuse and mental Disorders and a history of interpersonal Violence

Gregory J. McHugo, Yael Caspi, Nina Kammerer, Ruta Mazelis, Elizabeth Jackson, Lisa Russell, Colleen Clark, Jane Liebschutz, Rachel Kimerling

Special Issue

Physical health burdens of women with trauma histories and co-occurring substance abuse and mental disorders

Mary Jo Larson, Lisa Miller, Marion Becker, Erin Richardson, Nina Kammerer, Jennifer Thom, Joanne Gampel, Andrea Savage

Special Issue

Building resilience in children of mothers who have Co-occurring Disorders and histories of Violence

Norma Finkelstein, Elke Rechberger, Lisa A. Russell, Nancy R. VanDeMark, Chanson D. Noether, Maura O'Keefe, Karen Gould, Susan Mockus, Melissa V. Rael

Special Issue

The relationship between mothers' child abuse potential and current Mental Health symptoms

Deborah J. Rinehart, Marion Becker, Pamela R. Buckley, Kathy Dailey, Charles S. Reichardt, Carla Graeber, Nancy R. VanDeMark, Ellen Brown

Special Issue

The role of coercion in the treatment of women with co-occurring disorders and histories of abuse

Colleen Clark, Colleen Clark, Marion Becker, Julienne Giard, Ruta Mazelis, Andrea Savage, Wendy M. Vogel

Special Issue

Social roles in women's lives

Vanja M. K. Stenius, Bonita M. Veysey, Zachary Hamilton, Rene Andersen

Special Issue

Tangled in a web of affiliation

Andrea Savage, Andrea Savage, Lisa A. Russell

Special Issue

Relational systems change

Laurie S. Markoff, Norma Finkelstein, Nina Kammere, Peter Kreiner, Carol A. Prost