Open Access
01-12-2017 | Case report
Temporomandibular joint reconstruction with alloplastic prosthesis: the outcomes of four cases
Jung-Hyun Park, Eun Jo, Hoon Cho, Hyung Jun Kim
Published in:
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Issue 1/2017
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the outcomes of four patients receiving stock Biomet TMJ prosthesis for reconstruction of the TMJs.
TMJ reconstruction with stock Biomet TMJ prosthesis was performed in four patients who had joint damages by trauma, tumor, resorption, and ankylosis, which represent the indications of alloplastic prosthesis.
Loss of condyle from trauma and resorption of joint are good indications for prosthesis, but the patients should be informed about limitation of jaw movement. In case of structural damage of TMJ by tumor, tumor recurrence should be considered before planning TMJ reconstruction. Considering heterotopic bone formation in case of ankylosis, periodic follow-up and special surgical technique are required.
Given careful treatment planning and understanding the functional limitation of TMJ prosthesis, alloplastic prosthesis is a safe and effective management option for the reconstruction of TMJs.