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Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences

Issue 3/2006

Content (14 Articles)

Topics: Reconstruction of the remnant pancreas after PD

Technique of pancreaticojejunostomy reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy

Oscar J. Hines, Howard A. Reber

Pancreaticojejunostomy using duct-to-mucosa anastomosis without a stenting tube

Toshihide Imaizumi, Takashi Hatori, Kousuke Tobita, Akira Fukuda, Ken Takasaki, Hiroyasu Makuuchi

Is pancreaticogastrostomy safer than pancreaticojejunostomy?

Akimasa Nakao, Tsutomu Fujii, Hiroyuki Sugimoto, Tetsuya Kaneko, Shin Takeda, Soichiro Inoue, Shuji Nomoto, Naohito Kanazumi

Complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy: the problem of current definitions

Giovanni Butturini, Stefano Marcucci, Enrico Molinari, Giuseppe Mascetta, Luca Landoni, Stefano Crippa, Claudio Bassi

A new technique for pancreaticogastrostomy for the soft pancreas: the transfixing suture method

Hiroyuki Shinchi, Sonshin Takao, Kosei Maemura, Takashi Aikou

Surgeon at work

Safe Veress needle insertion

Tebessum Cakir, Davut Tuney, Safa Esmaeilzadem, A. Ozdemir Aktan

Original articles

Immunohistochemical demonstration of c-Kit protooncogene product in gallbladder cancer

Shogo Tanaka, Hiromu Tanaka, Takatsugu Yamamoto, Taichi Shuto, Shigekazu Takemura, Seikan Hai, Katsu Sakabe, Takahiro Uenishi, Kazuhiro Hirohashi, Shoji Kubo

Clinical significance of serum cytokeratin-19 fragment (CYFRA 21-1) in hepatocellular carcinoma

Takahiro Uenishi, Osamu Yamazaki, Takatsugu Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Hirohashi, Hiromu Tanaka, Shogo Tanaka, Seikan Hai, Koichi Ono, Shoji Kubo

Clinicopathological implications of immunohistochemically demonstrated mucin core protein expression in hepatocellular carcinoma

Tsuyoshi Ichikawa, Takatsugu Yamamoto, Takahiro Uenishi, Hiromu Tanaka, Shigekazu Takemura, Masao Ogawa, Shogo Tanaka, Shigefumi Suehiro, Kazuhiro Hirohashi, Shoji Kubo

Case reports of interest

Amebic liver abscess rupturing into the lesser omentum space

Yoichiro Nushijima, Hideyuki Ishida, Yasunori Watanabe, Kazunori Nakaguchi, Katsuaki Nakanishi, Yoshihiko Hoshida, Toshiyuki Kabuto

Treatment of colorectal liver metastasis with biliary and portal vein tumor thrombi by hepatopancreatoduodenectomy

Teiichi Sugiura, Masato Nagino, Tomoki Ebata, Toshiyuki Arai, Koji Oda, Norihiro Yuasa, Yuji Nimura