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Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Issue 4/2004

Content (6 Articles)

Anger Cognitions and Cardiovascular Recovery Following Provocation

Sonia Suchday, Michele M. Carter, Craig K. Ewart, Kevin T. Larkin, Otello Desiderato

Self-Efficacy and Choice of Coping Strategies for Tolerating Acute Pain

Paul D. Rokke, Shelley Fleming-Ficek, Nicole M. Siemens, Holly J. Hegstad

Testing Factorial Validity and Gender Invariance of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale

Joyce L. D'Eon, Cheryl A. Harris, Jacqueline A. Ellis

Predictors of Cognitive Appraisals Following Genetic Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations

Chanita Hughes Halbert, Marc D. Schwartz, Lari Wenzel, Steven Narod, Beth N. Peshkin, David Cella, Caryn Lerman

Examination of the Short-Term Efficacy of a Parent-Based Intervention to Prevent Skin Cancer

Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, Sarah Heavin, June Robinson, Malissa Adams, Jessica Berry

Preliminary Investigation of the Advertising and Availability of PREPs, the New “Safe” Tobacco Products

Norval Hickman, Elizabeth A. Klonoff, Hope Landrine, Kennon Kashima, Bina Parekh, Senaida Fernandez, KaMala Thomas, Catherine Brouillard, Michele Zolezzi, Jennifer Jensen, Zorahna Weslowski