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Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Issue 6/2002

Content (16 Articles)

Clinical Investigation

Triamcinolone-assisted pars plana vitrectomy improves the surgical procedures and decreases the postoperative blood–ocular barrier breakdown

Taiji Sakamoto, Miho Miyazaki, Toshio Hisatomi, Takao Nakamura, Akifumi Ueno, Keiko Itaya, Tatsuro Ishibashi

Clinical Investigation

Systemic bioavailability and cardiopulmonary effects of 0.5% timolol eyedrops

Juha-Matti Korte, Timo Kaila, Matti K. Saari

Clinical Investigation

Risk factors for diabetic choroidopathy in patients with diabetic retinopathy

Chieko Shiragami, Fumio Shiraga, Toshihiko Matsuo, Yozo Tsuchida, Hiroshi Ohtsuki

Clinical Investigation

Temporal contrast sensitivity using full-field flicker test (Erlangen flicker test) in patients after penetrating keratoplasty

Nhung X. Nguyen, Folkert K. Horn, Berthold Seitz, Claus Cursiefen, Peter Martus, Achim Langenbucher, Michael Küchle

Clinical Investigation

Pattern of retinal nerve fiber layer damage in Korean eyes with normal-tension glaucoma and hemifield visual field defect

Michael S. Kook, Sang-un Lee, Kyung-rim Sung, Hungwon Tchah, Soon-tae Kim, Kyung-rhee Kim, Weechang Kang

Clinical Investigation

Selective reduction of S-cone response and on-response in the cone electroretinograms of patients with X-linked retinoschisis

Shuichi Yamamoto, Masanori Hayashi, Mieko Tsuruoka, Kazuha Ogata, Itsuro Tsukahara, Teiko Yamamoto, Shinobu Takeuchi

Clinical Investigation

The validity and reliability of short German sentences for measuring reading speed

Wolfgang Radner, Wilfried Obermayer, Sibylla Richter-Mueksch, Ulrike Willinger, Michaela Velikay-Parel, Brigitte Eisenwort

Clinical Investigation

Myocilin mutations in a population-based sample of cases with open-angle glaucoma: the Rotterdam Study

Caroline A. Hulsman, Paulus T. de Jong, Marjolein Lettink, Cornelia M. van Duijn, Albert Hofman, Arthur A. Bergen

Clinical Investigation

Spectral content of the intraocular pressure pulse wave: glaucoma patients versus normal subjects

David W. Evans, Sarah L. Hosking, Sally J. Embleton, Andrew J. Morgan, Jimmy D. Bartlett

Clinical Investigation

Prevalence and geographical distribution of Usher syndrome in Germany

Ulrich H. Spandau, Klaus Rohrschneider

Laboratory Investigation

The effect of excimer laser keratectomy on corneal glutathione peroxidase activities and aqueous humor selenium levels in rabbits

Özgür Yis, Ayşe Bilgihan, Kamil Bilgihan, Nilgün Yis, Berati Hasanreisoğlu

Short Communication

Visualization of the hyalo-capsular ligament in the living eye

Antonio Bergua, Michael Küchle

Short Communication

Bilateral multifocal uveal juvenile xanthogranuloma in a young boy with systemic disease

Pierre Labalette, Françoise Guilbert, Denis Jourdel, Brigitte Nelken, Jean-Christophe Cuvellier, Claude-Alain Maurage