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Experimental Brain Research

Issue 3/2006

Content (13 Articles)

Research Article

Control of hand orientation and arm movement during reach and grasp

Jing Fan, Jiping He, Stephen I. Helms Tillery

Research Article

Age reduces cortical reciprocal inhibition in humans

Tibor Hortobágyi, M. Fernandez del Olmo, John C. Rothwell

Research Article

Transneuronal tracing of vestibulo-trigeminal pathways innervating the masseter muscle in the rat

E. Giaconi, F. Deriu, E. Tolu, B. Cuccurazzu, B. J. Yates, I. Billig

Research Article

The relation between force and movement when grasping an object with a precision grip

Marianne Biegstraaten, Jeroen B. J. Smeets, Eli Brenner

Research Article

Differential influence of vision and proprioception on control of movement distance

Leia B. Bagesteiro, Fabrice R. Sarlegna, Robert L. Sainburg

Research Article

Advantages of binocular vision for the control of reaching and grasping

Dean R. Melmoth, Simon Grant

Research Article

Functional asymmetry and interhemispheric cooperation in the perception of emotions from facial expressions

Marco Tamietto, Luca Latini Corazzini, Beatrice de Gelder, Giuliano Geminiani

Research Article

The visual control of stepping operates in real time: evidence from a pictorial illusion

Elizabeth M. McCarville, David A. Westwood

Research Note

The role of prefrontal cortex in visuo-spatial planning: a repetitive TMS study

Demis Basso, Martin Lotze, Lavinia Vitale, Florinda Ferreri, Patrizia Bisiacchi, Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Paolo Maria Rossini, Niels Birbaumer

Research Note

Grasp effects of the Ebbinghaus illusion are ambiguous

R. Gilster, J. P. Kuhtz-Buschbeck, C. D. Wiesner, R. Ferstl