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European Journal of Pediatrics

Issue 1/2007

Content (21 Articles)

Original Paper

Prevalence of congenital adrenal hyperplasia among sudden infant death in the Czech Republic and Austria

Kristina A. Strnadová, Felix Votava, Jan Lebl, Adolf Mühl, Chike Item, Olaf A. Bodamer, Toni Torresani, Ivan Bouška, Franz Waldhauser, Wolfgang Sperl

Original Paper

Safe and unsafe duration of fasting for children with MCAD deficiency

Terry G. J. Derks, Francjan J. van Spronsen, Jan Peter Rake, Christian S. van der Hilst, Mark M. Span, G. Peter A. Smit

Original Paper

Prevalence of lipodystrophy in HIV-infected children: a cross-sectional study

Luminita Ene, Tessa Goetghebuer, Marc Hainaut, Alexandra Peltier, Véronique Toppet, Jack Levy

Original Paper

Do inhaled corticosteroids impair long-term growth in prepubertal cystic fibrosis patients?

Kris De Boeck, Frans De Baets, Anne Malfroot, Kristine Desager, Françoise Mouchet, Marijke Proesmans

Original Paper

Do male and female adolescents differ in the effect of individual and family characteristics on their use of psychotropic drugs?

Michèle Baumann, Elisabeth Spitz, Rosemay Predine, Marie Choquet, Nearkasen Chau

Original Paper

Early cerebrovascular disease in a 2-year-old with extreme obesity and complete metabolic syndrome due to feeding of excessively high amounts of energy

Daniel Weghuber, Daniela Zaknun, Christian Nasel, Andrea Willforth-Ehringer, Thomas Müller, Marion Boriss-Riedl, Kurt Widhalm

Original Paper

Clinical, hormonal and imaging findings in 27 children with central diabetes insipidus

Julie De Buyst, Guy Massa, Catherine Christophe, Sylvie Tenoutasse, Claudine Heinrichs

Original Paper

Cellular and humoral immune responses to a tetanus toxoid booster in perinatally HIV-1-infected children and adolescents receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

Natascha Ching, Jaime G. Deville, Karin A. Nielsen, Bonnie Ank, Lian S. Wei, Myung Shin Sim, Steven M. Wolinsky, Yvonne J. Bryson

Original Paper

The high scrotal (“gliding”) testis revised

Wilfried W. M. Hack, Karlijn Sijstermans, Laszla M. van der Voort-Doedens, Rob W. Meijer, Krijn Haasnoot

Short Report

Cytomegalovirus and Helicobacter pylori co-infection in a child with Ménétrier disease

Daisuke Tokuhara, Yoshiyuki Okano, Kazuyoshi Asou, Akiko Tamamori, Tsunekazu Yamano

Short Report

Recombinant chromosome 4 resulting from a maternal pericentric inversion in two sisters presenting consistent dysmorphic features

Agnieszka Stembalska, Izabela Laczmanska, Kamila Schlade-Bartusiak, Halina Czemarmazowicz, Marek Murawski, Maria Sasiadek

Short Report

Menstrual cycle pattern during the first gynaecological years in girls with precocious puberty following gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue treatment

Teresa Arrigo, Filippo De Luca, Franco Antoniazzi, Fiorella Galluzzi, Lorenzo Iughetti, Anna Maria Pasquino, Maria Carolina Salerno, Lucia Marseglia, Giuseppe Crisafulli

Short Report

Heroin withdrawal leads to metabolic alkalosis in an infant with cystic fibrosis

Saskia vande Velde, Patrick Verloo, Stephanie Van Biervliet, Eddy Robberecht

Short Report

Brevundimonas vesicularis septic arthritis in an immunocompetent child

Yael Sofer, Samra Zmira, Jacob Amir

Short Report

Three new cases of congenital agenesis of the trachea

Konrad Heimann, Clemens Bartz, Amjad Naami, Thomas Peschgens, Ulrich Merz, Helmut Hörnchen

Short Report

Invasive aspergillosis in chronic granulomatous disease: report of 7 cases

Setareh Mamishi, Nima Parvaneh, Ali Salavati, Sina Abdollahzadeh, Mehdi Yeganeh


Rapidly progressive dilatation of coronary artery aneurysm associated with Kawasaki disease

Jae Il Shin, Jae Young Choi, Jun Hee Sul, Dong Soo Kim, Young Hwan Park


Editorial comment

Lucien Corbeel


Differential response to interferon-γ therapy in a family with dominant negative partial interferon-γ receptor1 deficiency

Anita E. Smyth, Paul Jackson, David Lammas, M. Suhail Asghar, Alistair D. Crockard, Jean-Laurent Casanova, Dinakantha S. Kumararatne, J. David M. Edgar