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European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Issue 11/2014

Content (39 Articles)


When is radiation therapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma not indicated?

William M. Mendenhall, Primož Strojan, Carl E. Silver, Randall P. Owen, Alessandra Rinaldo, Ashok R. Shaha, Avraham Eisbruch, Robert P. Takes, Alfio Ferlito

Review Article

Malignancy in routine tonsillectomy specimens: a systematic literature review

Malene Sine Rokkjaer, Tejs Ehlers Klug

Review Article

The presence of fungal-specific IgE in serum and sinonasal tissue among patients with sinonasal polyposis

M. Bakhshaee, M. Fereidouni, M. Nourollahian, R. Movahed


Detection of bacterial biofilms in different types of chronic otitis media

Xingzhi Gu, Youlidusi Keyoumu, Li Long, Hua Zhang


Analysis of impact noise induced by hitting of titanium head golf driver

Young Ho Kim, Young Chul Kim, Jun Hee Lee, Yong-Hwi An, Kyung Tae Park, Kyung Min Kang, Yeon June Kang

Open Access Otology

Central auditory processing and word discrimination in patients with multiple sclerosis

Ayub Valadbeigi, Farzad Weisi, Nematolah Rohbakhsh, Mohammad Rezaei, Atta Heidari, Amir Rahmani Rasa


Effects of the depth of anesthesia on distortion product otoacoustic emissions

Thorsten Ropposch, Christian Walch, Alexander Avian, Gerlinde Mausser, Manuela Spary


Superior canal dehiscence syndrome: clinical manifestations and radiologic correlations

Issam Saliba, Anastasios Maniakas, Lina Zahra Benamira, Jade Nehme, Mélanie Benoit, Véronique Montreuil-Jacques


Diagnostic value and clinical significance of stress hormones in patients with tinnitus

Dong-Kee Kim, Dae Young Chung, Seung Chun Bae, Kyoung-Ho Park, Sang Won Yeo, Shi-Nae Park


Intracranial complications of chronic otitis media

Jiaqiang Sun, Jingwu Sun


Fallopian canal dehiscence at pediatric cholesteatoma surgery

Akihiro Shinnabe, Hiroki Yamamoto, Mariko Hara, Masayo Hasegawa, Shingo Matsuzawa, Hiromi Kanazawa, Naohiro Yoshida, Yukiko Iino


Flunarizine in the prophylaxis of migrainous vertigo: a randomized controlled trial

Anjali Lepcha, Sophia Amalanathan, Ann Mary Augustine, Amit Kumar Tyagi, Achamma Balraj


Incidence of hypothyroidism and its correlation with polysomnography findings in obstructive sleep apnea

K. Murat Ozcan, Adin Selcuk, Ibrahim Ozcan, Talih Ozdas, Fatih Ozdogan, Mustafa Acar, Huseyin Dere


The correlation of serum levels of leptin, leptin receptor and NO x (NO2 − and NO3 −) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Zeliha Kapusuz Gencer, Mahmut Özkiriş, Yeşim Göçmen, Yavuz Selim Intepe, İbrahim Akin, Namık Delibaşi, Levent Saydam


Erratum to: The correlation of serum levels of leptin, leptin receptor and NO x (NO2 − and NO3 −) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Zeliha Kapusuz Gencer, Mahmut Özkiriş, Yeşim Göçmen, Yavuz Selim Intepe, İbrahim Akin, Namık Delibaş, Levent Saydam


Newly designed double-vascularized nasoseptal flap to prevent restenosis after endoscopic modified Lothrop procedure (Draf III): laboratory investigation

Abdulaziz AlQahtani, Maurizio Bignami, Paola Terranova, Elena Digilio, Francesca Basilico, Shawkat Abdulrahman, Paolo Castelnuovo


Frontal sinus obliteration with autologous calvarial bone graft: indications and results

Pierre Vironneau, André Coste, Virginie Prulière-Escabasse


The intranasal Schirmer test: a preliminary study to quantify nasal secretion

Joerg Lindemann, Evangelia Tsakiropoulou, Gerhard Rettinger, Caroline Gutter, Marc Oliver Scheithauer, Valerie Picavet, Fabian Sommer


Histopathological changes in nasal mucosa with nasal septum deviation

Tawakir Kamani, Taner Yılmaz, Selçuk Sürücü, Münir Demir Bajin, Rıza Önder Günaydın, Oğuz Kuşçu


Endoscopic resection of sinonasal ossifying fibroma: 31 cases report at an institution

Huan Wang, Xicai Sun, Quan Liu, Jingjing Wang, Dehui Wang


Use of cidofovir in HPV patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis

M. Grasso, M. Remacle, V. Bachy, S. Van Der Vorst, G. Lawson


High nasal resistance may be a result rather than a cause of obstructive sleep apnea

Yingshen Lu, Shuai Li, Hui Jin, Lijuan Song, Yanmei Li, Nanshan Zhong, Xiaowen Zhang


Routine tonsillar bed oversew after diathermy tonsillectomy: does it reduce secondary tonsillar haemorrhage?

Thomas B. V. Nguyen, Ronald Y. Chin, Suchitra Paramaesvaran, Guy D. Eslick

Head and Neck

Experience of head and neck extracranial schwannomas in a whole population-based single-center patient series

Saku T. Sinkkonen, Oscar Hildén, Jaana Hagström, Ilmo Leivo, Leif J. Bäck, Antti A. Mäkitie

Head and Neck

Extensive nasopharyngeal angiofibromas: the maxillary swing approach

Neeraj Narayan Mathur, Ashish Vashishth

Head and Neck

The association between BRAF V600E mutation and pathological features in PTC

Xin Liu, Kangkang Yan, Xuejun Lin, Longyu Zhao, Wenxiu An, Chunpeng Wang, Xiaodong Liu

Head and Neck

Unexpected pathologies in patients referred for endoscopic DCR

Shani Golan, Igal Leibovitch, Roee Landsberg


Does perioperative dexamethasone affect voice-related quality of life after thyroidectomy?

Vasileios A. Lachanas, Sotirios Exarchos, Stergiani Tsiouvaka, Malamati Tsea, Jiannis K. Hajiioannou, Charalampos E. Skoulakis, John G. Bizakis


Evaluation of the maximum isometric tongue force of healthy volunteers

J. Ulrich Sommer, Richard Birk, Karl Hörmann, Boris A. Stuck


Acute and long-term dysphagia in critically ill patients with severe sepsis: results of a prospective controlled observational study

Joerg Zielske, Silvia Bohne, Frank M. Brunkhorst, Hubertus Axer, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

Short Communication

Day surgery for vocal fold lesions using a double-bent 60-mm Cathelin needle

Fumimasa Toyomura, Ryoji Tokashiki, Hiroyuki Hiramatsu, Kiyoaki Tsukahara, Ray Motohashi, Eriko Sakurai, Masaki Nomoto, Mamoru Suzuki

Case Report

A minimally invasive endoscopic transnasal approach to the craniovertebral junction in the paediatric population

Sien Hui Tan, Dharmendra Ganesan, Narayanan Prepageran, Vicknes Waran