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Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports

Issue 2/2014

Content (7 Articles)

Neuromodulation (D Dougherty, Section Editor)

Toward an Understanding of the Neural Circuitry of Major Depressive Disorder Through the Clinical Response to Deep Brain Stimulation of Different Anatomical Targets

Andrea L. Crowell, Patricio Riva-Posse, Steven J. Garlow, Helen S. Mayberg

Neuromodulation (D Dougherty, Section Editor)

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Robert H. Howland

Neuromodulation (D Dougherty, Section Editor)

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): Modulation of Executive Function in Health and Disease

Rani A. Sarkis, Navneet Kaur, Joan A. Camprodon

Psychosis (R Gur and B Clementz, Section Editors)

Epigenetic Dysregulation in the Schizophrenic Brain

Tobias B. Halene, Cyril J. Peter, Schahram Akbarian

Psychosis (R Gur and B Clementz, Section Editors)

The Future of Psychoses as Seen from the History of its Evolution

John Torous, Matcheri Keshavan

Psychosis (R Gur and B Clementz, Section Editors)

Animal Models of Psychosis: Current State and Future Directions

Alexandra D. Forrest, Carlos A. Coto, Steven J. Siegel

Psychosis (R Gur and B Clementz, Section Editors)

Early Detection of Psychosis: Challenges and Opportunities

Raquel E. Gur