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Open Access 16-05-2024

Feasibility and Effects of Using Physical Activity Trackers With People Who Use Substances: A Systematic Review

Authors: Ignacio Cuesta-López, Roberto Secades-Villa, Alba González-Roz

Published in: Current Addiction Reports | Issue 4/2024

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Purpose of Review

Commercially-available physical activity trackers (PAT) are promising tools for promoting physical activity (PA) in people with mental disorders. The present systematic review aims to examine the feasibility and acceptability of using PAT in people with substance use disorders (SUD), and how that can affect substance use, PA, and mental health.

Recent Findings

Previous review studies have noted the potential of using active and passive data collection methods in the context of SUDs. However, since then, novel technology has been developed and new studies on PAT have been published. There are no specific reviews about them in the context of treatment of SUD.


The current study included seven studies involving 178 participants. The findings provide preliminary evidence that using PAT as part of a broader behavioral intervention is feasible and promising in promoting healthy behavior and improving health-related outcomes, including reduction in substance use. However, considering the small number of studies and their limitations, there is a need for more systematic and rigorous research to determine the long-term effectiveness of incorporating PAT into existing treatments for SUD.
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Feasibility and Effects of Using Physical Activity Trackers With People Who Use Substances: A Systematic Review
Ignacio Cuesta-López
Roberto Secades-Villa
Alba González-Roz
Publication date
Springer International Publishing
Published in
Current Addiction Reports / Issue 4/2024
Electronic ISSN: 2196-2952

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