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European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Issue 10/2021

Content (13 Articles)

Original Contribution

Early regulatory problems and parenting: life-long risk, vulnerability or susceptibility for attention, internalizing and externalizing outcomes?

Julia Jaekel, Christian Sorg, Linda Breeman, Nicole Baumann, Ayten Bilgin, Josef G. Bäuml, Dieter Wolke

Original Contribution

Adolescents’ somatic complaints in eight countries: what influence do parental rearing styles have?

Inge Seiffge-Krenke, Heribert Sattel, Duygu Cavdar, Bedriye Öncü

Original Contribution

The mental health effects of pet death during childhood: is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Katherine M. Crawford, Yiwen Zhu, Kathryn A. Davis, Samantha Ernst, Kristina Jacobsson, Kristen Nishimi, Andrew D. A. C. Smith, Erin C. Dunn

Open Access Care Original Contribution

Mental health and well-being from childhood to adulthood: design, methods and results of the 11-year follow-up of the BELLA study

Christiane Otto, Franziska Reiss, Catharina Voss, Anne Wüstner, Ann-Katrin Meyrose, Heike Hölling, Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer

Open Access Original Contribution

Prenatal maternal infections and children’s socioemotional development: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study

Hildigunnur Anna Hall, Lydia Gabriela Speyer, Aja Louise Murray, Bonnie Auyeung