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European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience

Issue Special Issue 2/2001

Content (17 Articles)

Rating Scales

Identification of items which predict later development of depression in primary health care

Katrin Barkow, Reinhard Heun, T. Bedirhan Üstün, Wolfgang Maier

Rating Scales

Validity of the five-item WHO Well-Being Index (WHO-5) in an elderly population

Reinhard Heun, Marzia Bonsignore, Katrin Barkow, Frank Jessen

Quality Of Life

Quality of life: a dimension in multiaxial classification

Marianne Kastrup, Juan E. Mezzich


Prospective studies of cothymia (mixed anxiety-depression): how do they inform clinical practice?

Peter Tyrer, Helen Seivewright, Shaeda Simmonds, Tony Johnson


Late life depression

Carl-Gerhard Gottfries

Treatment Outcome

Arguments for the specificity of the antisuicidal effect of lithium

B. Müller-Oerlinghausen

Neuropsychiatric Research

Imaging the serotonergic system in depression

Hugo D’haenen