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Current Pain and Headache Reports

Issue 5/2007

Content (13 Articles)

Melatonin therapy in fibromyalgia

Russel J. Reiter, Dario Acuna-Castroviejo, Dun-xian Tan

Sensitization, glutamate, and the link between migraine and fibromyalgia

Paola Sarchielli, Massimiliano Di Filippo, Katiuscia Nardi, Paolo Calabresi

The role of myofascial trigger points in musculoskeletal pain syndromes of the head and neck

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, David G. Simons, Maria Luz Cuadrado, Juan A. Pareja

Unusual headache syndromes in children

Michelle Brenner, Christopher Oakley, Donald W. Lewis

Post-traumatic headache

Steven L. Linder

Medical causes of headache in children

Nicholas S. Abend, Donald Younkin