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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2010;48(1): 14-19.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2010.48.1.14
Loss of Heterozygosity at 1p, 7q, 17p, and 22q in Meningiomas.
In Bok Chang, Byung Moon Cho, Seung Myung Moon, Se Hyuck Park, Sae Moon Oh, Seong Jin Cho
1Department of Neurosurgery, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. nschbm@hanmail.net
2Department of Pathology, Hallym University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Allelic losses or loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at many chromosomal loci have been found in the cells of meningiomas. The objective of this study was to evaluate LOH at several loci of different chromosomes (1p32, 17p13, 7q21, 7q31, and 22q13) in different grades of meningiomas.
Forty surgical specimens were obtained and classified as benign, atypical, and anaplastic meningiomas. After DNA extraction, ten polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to detect LOH. Medical and surgical records, as well as pathologic findings, were reviewed retrospectively.
LOH at 1p32 was detected in 24%, 60%, and 60% in benign, atypical, and anaplastic meningiomas, respectively. Whereas LOH at 7q21 was found in only one atypical meningioma. LOH at 7q31 was found in one benign meningioma and one atypical meningioma. LOH at 17p13 was detected in 4%, 40%, and 80% in benign, atypical, and anaplastic meningiomas, respectively. LOH at 22q13 was seen in 48%, 60%, and 60% in benign, atypical, and anaplastic meningiomas, respectively. LOH results at 1p32 and 17p13 showed statistically significant differences between benign and non-benign meningiomas.
LOH at 1p32 and 17p13 showed a strong correlation with tumor progression. On the other hand, LOH at 7q21 and 7q31 may not contribute to the development of the meningiomas.
Key Words: Chromosome; Loss of heterozygosity; Meningiomas
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