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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 21, 2011

Glycemic control in diabetes in three Danish counties

  • Lone G. M. Jørgensen , Per Hyltoft Petersen , Lene Heickendorff , Holger Jon Møller , Jørn Hendel , Cramer Christensen , Anita Schmitz , Birgitte Reinholdt , Erik D. Lund , Niels J. Christensen , Erik Kjærsgaard Hansen , Jens Hastrup , Hanne Skjødt , Ebbe Wendel Eriksen and Ivan Brandslund


Background: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a proxy measure for glycemic control in diabetes. We investigated the trend for glycemic control in patients from three Danish counties using HbA1c measurements.

Methods: We studied 2454 patients from a population of 807,000 inhabitants for whom routine monitoring of diabetes using HbA1c-DCCT aligned was initiated in 2001. We estimated the incidence of monitored patients in the population. The progress in patients with originally diabetic HbA1c levels was investigated by cumulative probability plots, and the individual trend in clinical outcome was investigated by a modified difference plot.

Results: The age-standardized incidence of monitored patients was <0.5% in all regions. Patients with diabetic first HbA1c concentrations (≥6.62% HbA1c) showed on average 15% improved glycemic control in the first year. Further improvement was limited. The overall percentage above the treatment target (≥6.62% HbA1c) was 51% in 2003 compared to 59% in 2001, and the percentage with poor glycemic control (≥10.0% HbA1c) was reduced from 19% to 4%. Of patients with originally diabetic HbA1c levels, 15% showed progress in glycemic control, and 28% reached treatment targets. In patients with originally normal HbA1c, 75% showed an upward trend in HbA1c levels, which reached diabetic concentrations in 17%.

Conclusion: Patients with diabetic first HbA1c concentrations (≥6.62% HbA1c) showed on average 15% improved glycemic control in the first year. Further improvement was limited. In individual patients, 75% with originally diabetic HbA1c levels showed improved glycemic control after 3years, while 78% withoriginally normal concentrations showed an upwardtrend in HbA1c levels.

Corresponding author: Lone Jørgensen, Hostrups Have 23, 1954 Frederiksberg C, Denmark Phone: +45-2140-5760,


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Received: 2005-7-8
Accepted: 2005-9-11
Published Online: 2011-9-21
Published in Print: 2005-12-1

©2005 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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