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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 6, 2011

Fetal outcome for infants in breech by method of delivery: experiences with a stand-by service system of senior obstetricians and women's choices of mode of delivery

  • Barbara Maier EMAIL logo , Alexander Georgoulopoulos , Michael Zajc , Tobias Jaeger , Christian Zuchna and Gottfried Hasenoehrl


Objective: To show that the fetal outcome in vaginal deliveries (VD) of breech presentation in a setting of a senior obstetrician stand-by system is as good as in planned cesar- ean sections.

Patients and methods: This observational prospective intent-to-treat study (n=211 singleton breech presentation pregnancies of ≥35 weeks of gestation) compared two groups of breech deliveries: planned cesarean sections (PCS, n=126) and intended VD (IVD, n=85) resulting in vaginal deliveries (VD, n=46) as well as secondary cesarean sections (SCS, n=39). Women's informed choice as well as strict pre-selection criteria for vaginally intended breech presentation deliveries was followed.

Results: Fetal outcome of vaginal breech deliveries and of primary as well as SCS (45.9% of IVD) was comparable in terms of cord blood pH, base excess, Apgar score, fetal trauma, and transfer to neonatal intensive care unit.

Conclusions: Vaginal breech delivery is a safe option in a stand-by system of senior obstetricians with controlled decision-making before labor.

Corresponding author: Barbara Maier, MD, PhD, Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Paracelsus Medical University Muellner Hauptstrasse 48 A-5020 Salzburg Austria Tel.: +43 662 4482 57949/Office: +43 662 4482 2581 Fax: +43 662 4482 2587

Received: 2010-11-2
Revised: 2011-1-11
Accepted: 2011-2-7
Published Online: 2011-07-06
Published in Print: 2011-07-01

©2011 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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