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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 27, 2008

Novel strategies to identify biomarkers in tuberculosis

  • Marc Jacobsen , Jens Mattow , Dirk Repsilber and Stefan H.E. Kaufmann
From the journal Biological Chemistry


The more we learn about the immune response against tuberculosis (TB) and particularly about the features which distinguish protective immunity, disease susceptibility and pathology, the better we can define biomarkers which correlate with these different stages of infection. The most widely used biomarker in TB, which without a doubt is an important component of protective immunity, is IFNγ secreted by antigen-specific CD4 T-cells. However, the complexity of the immune response against TB makes it more than likely that additional biomarkers are required for a reliable correlate of protection. As a corollary, we assume that a set of biomarkers will be required, termed a biosignature.

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Published Online: 2008-03-27
Published in Print: 2008-05-01

©2008 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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