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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 27, 2008

Smurf1 directly targets hPEM-2, a GEF for Cdc42, via a novel combination of protein interaction modules in the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway

  • Kei Yamaguchi , Osamu Ohara , Akikazu Ando and Takahiro Nagase
From the journal Biological Chemistry


Smurf1, a member of HECT-type E3 ubiquitin ligases, regulates cell polarity and protrusive activity by inducing ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of the small GTPase RhoA. We report here that hPEM-2, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPase Cdc42, is a novel target of Smurf1. Pulse-chase labeling and a ubiquitination experiment using MG132, a proteasomal inhibitor, indicate that Smurf1 induces proteasomal degradation of hPEM-2 in cells. GST pull-down assays with heterologously expressed firefly luciferase-fusion proteins that include partial sequences of hPEM-2 reveal that part of the PH domain (residues 318–343) of hPEM-2 is sufficient for binding to Smurf1. In contrast, the hPEM-2 binding domain in Smurf1 was mapped to the C2 domain. Although it has been reported that the binding activities of some C2 domains to target proteins are regulated by Ca2+, Smurf1 interacts with hPEM-2 in a Ca2+-independent manner. Our discovery that hPEM-2 is, in addition to RhoA, a target protein of Smurf1 suggests that Smurf1 plays a crucial role in the spatio-temporal regulation of Rho GTPase family members.

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Received: 2007-8-22
Accepted: 2007-12-18
Published Online: 2008-03-27
Published in Print: 2008-04-01

©2008 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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