
▪ Abstract 

Natural killer T (NKT) cells constitute a conserved T cell sublineage with unique properties, including reactivity for a synthetic glycolipid presented by CD1d, expression of an invariant T cell antigen receptor (TCR) α chain, and unusual requirements for thymic selection. They rapidly produce many cytokines after stimulation and thus influence diverse immune responses and pathogenic processes. Because of intensive research effort, we have learned much about factors promoting the development and survival of NKT cells, regulation of their cytokine production, and the means by which they influence dendritic cells and other cell types. Despite this progress, knowledge of the natural antigen(s) they recognize and their physiologic role remain incomplete. The activation of NKT cells paradoxically can lead either to suppression or stimulation of immune responses, and we cannot predict which will occur. Despite this uncertainty, many investigators are hopeful that immune therapies can be developed based on NKT cell stimulation.

Keyword(s): CD1dglycolipidnatural killerT cell

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