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High-pressure blood flow restriction with very low load resistance training results in peripheral vascular adaptations similar to heavy resistance training

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Published 29 March 2019 © 2019 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
, , Citation J Grant Mouser et al 2019 Physiol. Meas. 40 035003 DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/ab0d2a



Objective: To investigate vascular adaptations to eight weeks of resistance exercise, with and without different pressures of blood flow restriction (BFR), in the upper and lower body. Approach: Forty individuals (men  =  20, women  =  20) completed eight weeks of resistance exercise at very low loads (15% of one-repetition maximum (1RM)), with two levels of BFR (40% arterial occlusion pressure (AOP), 80% AOP), without BFR, and 70% of 1RM. Vascular conductance and venous compliance were measured via plethysmography before and following training in the forearms and in the calves. Main results: Values reported as means (95% confidence intervals). Pre to post changes in vascular conductance occurred only in the high-pressure conditions (upper body:  +8.29 (3.01–13.57) ml · mmHg−1; lower body:  +7.86 (3.37–12.35) ml · mmHg−1) and high-load conditions (upper body:  +8.60 (3.45–13.74) ml · mmHg−1); lower body:  +7.20 (2.71–11.69) ml · mmHg−1) only. In the upper body, the change was significantly greater in the high-pressure and high-load conditions compared to the change observed in the low-pressure condition (−0.41 (−5.56, 4.73) ml · mmHg−1). These changes were not greater than the change observed in the low-load condition without pressure (+1.81 (−3.47, 7.09) ml · mmHg−1). In the lower body, the change in the high-pressure and high-load conditions were significantly greater than the changes observed with low-load training with (−0.86 (−5.60, 3.87) ml · mmHg−1) and without (−1.22 (−5.71, 3.27) ml · mmHg−1) a low pressure. Venous compliance increased in all groups in the upper body (+0.003 (.000 08, 0.006) ml · 100 ml−1 · mmHg−1) only, with no changes in the lower body. Significance: High-pressure BFR causes adaptations in vascular function following eight weeks of training at mechanical loads not typically associated with such adaptations.

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The vessels of the circulatory system play a fundamental role in the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to the tissues of the body, and provide a pathway for the removal of metabolic byproducts. They are also instrumental in regulating the distribution of blood to metabolically active tissues and modulating blood pressure (Tschakovsky 2004b).

During normal resistance exercise, the skeletal muscle pump facilitates an increase in blood flow by increasing the pressure gradient from the arteries to the veins (Tschakovsky 2004b). This immediate hyperemic effect of exercise induces shear stress and circumferential strain on the arteries and arterioles, releasing paracrine factors and metabolites which cause vasodilation and further reduce resistance to blood flow (Ercan and Koksal 2003). In this way, blood flow increases to meet the metabolic demand of the working muscles (Tschakovsky 2004a). Concurrent to these changes, fine-tuning of peripheral vasculature by the autonomic nervous system allows the continued functioning of other organ systems (Joyner and Casey 2015) by regulating mean arterial pressure (MAP). Following repeated exposure to this stimulus, adaptation occurs to both normalize the shear stress as well as provide a sufficient oxygen supply to the muscles, and can include changes in arterial function (Shimizu et al 2016) as well as an increase in capillarity (Hoier and Hellsten 2014). Both mechanical compression of the vasculature as well as an increase in shear stress are known to cause angiogenesis (Hudlicka et al 1992).

Blood flow restriction (BFR) is the application of an inflatable cuff or elastic wrap to the proximal-most portion of a limb. Combined with low-load resistance exercise, it has been shown to increase muscle size and strength (Pearson and Hussain 2015). Applying a pneumatic cuff and inflating it to a percentage of the full occlusion pressure of that limb reduces arterial inflow and venous return (Mouser et al 2017a). The cuff increases the pressure required for venous return, decreasing the pressure gradient across the limb. In this way the cuff also contributes to an increased vascular pressure in vessels that otherwise would not be under such strain. Due to the repetitive nature of BFR and exercise training, it is possible that increased pressure will cause changes in venous compliance as well.

While there exists a pool of literature examining the acute vascular responses to BFR in the upper body, scant work has examined possible vascular adaptations that occur with this mode of training. What work has been performed is difficult to compare due to differences in applied pressures, where a single pressure is typically applied to each participant in a study. It has since been determined that limb circumference, blood pressure, and cuff width all factor into the pressure required to occlude blood flow (Jessee et al 2016). The application of a single pressure is almost guaranteed to provide a different stimulus to each research participant. Taken individually, these studies do suggest that adaptations are localized to the limb with BFR, both in the upper (Credeur et al 2010) and lower body (Hunt et al 2013). To the authors' knowledge, no investigations have been performed using very low loads to minimize the mechanical compression of the vasculature in order to study peripheral vascular adaptations to blood flow restricted training, nor have different relative pressures of BFR been employed to examine if pressure affects these adaptations. Similarly, no study that the authors are aware of has examined the peripheral vascular response to training in both the upper and lower body simultaneously. The purpose of this study was to quantify the changes in vascular conductance and venous compliance in the forearms as well as the calves following eight weeks of resistance exercise at very low loads, with and without two relative levels of BFR, and compare them with a more traditional high-load resistance exercise.


Forty-two participants (men  =  21, women  =  21) volunteered for this study. Participants were assigned to conditions in a counterbalanced fashion with four possible exercise conditions, one condition per arm and one condition per leg. Participants completed 16 resistance training visits over eight weeks, 2  ×  /week. Pre and post testing measures of forearm and calf vascular function were recorded on two separate days both before the first training visit and at least 48 h following the final training visit. Each testing visit was performed at the same time of day. Prior to any measurement, all participants signed a written informed consent and filled out a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). This study was approved by the University of Mississippi's Institutional Review Board (IRB Protocol # 17-087).

Screening visit

During the first visit, participants were informed of the purpose of the study as well as possible risks related to resistance exercise and BFR. Exclusion criteria were reviewed with participants and included the following: younger than 18 or older than 35 years of age, a BMI of  ⩾30 kg m−2, regular resistance exercise performed during the prior six months, or taking medication for hypertension. If participants did not meet any of the exclusion criteria and still wished to participate, they signed a written informed consent document. Height and body mass were measured prior to vascular measurements.

Vascular measurements

Forearm and calf vascular conductance and venous compliance were measured and calculated using strain gauge plethysmography. Prior to measurements, participants were instructed to avoid caffeine for 8 h, food for 2 h, and any exercise or alcohol consumption for 24 h. Participants lay supine on an exam table in a quiet, temperature-controlled room for 10 min prior to any measurement. Brachial systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure was measured using an automated blood pressure device (Omron Healthcare Inc., Vernon Hills, IL) with an appropriately sized cuff at 1 min intervals until two consecutive measures were recorded within 5 mmHg. MAP was calculated from the average blood pressure of the two consecutive measurements using the formula MAP  =  (2/3) DBP  +  (1/3) SBP. In order to control for the short-term BFR caused by the blood pressure measurement, blood pressure was measured in the arm opposite the one in which plethysmograph measures were occurring. Blood pressure measurements were performed immediately before plethysmography measurements.

Vascular conductance

The circumference was measured at the widest portion of the forearm distal to the olecranon. A mercury-in-silastic strain gauge at least 2 cm smaller than the forearm circumference and connected to the EC-6 Plethysmograph (Hokanson Inc., Belleville, WA) was placed around this portion of the forearm and held in place with a thin strip of athletic tape. A 5 cm cuff was placed around the wrist while a 10 cm cuff was placed around the arm proximal to the elbow. The participant's arm was abducted and supported approximately 90° from the midline of the body. A small foam pad was placed under the 10 cm cuff to support the arm while a foam pad supported the wrist and hand, elevating the forearm and the strain gauge to heart level without impeding or moving the strain gauge. The 5 cm cuff was inflated to 220 mmHg using a hand pump and remained inflated until the measurement protocol was completed in order to exclude hand blood flow from the measurement and capture flow only through the forearm. One minute following inflation of the wrist cuff, the 10 cm cuff was inflated to 50 mmHg via a rapid cuff inflator (Hokanson Inc., Belleville, WA). The cuff was inflated for 7 s and then deflated for 8 s. This inflation/deflation was repeated while the strain gauge recorded arterial inflow until five measurements were recorded using the Noninvasive Vascular Program 3 (NIVP3) software (Hokanson Inc., Belleville, WA). The slope of the change in the strain gauge circumference across the measurement duration was calculated in NIVP3, and the average of these five measurements was recorded as forearm blood flow (FBF). Forearm vascular conductance (FVC) was calculated according to the formula FVC  =  (FBF/MAP)  ×  1000.

Venous compliance

The 5 cm cuff at the wrist was deflated and removed. Five minutes later, the 10 cm cuff was inflated to 20 mmHg for 1 min while strain gauge measurements of venous volume variation were recorded in NIVP3. The cuff was deflated for 1 min, followed by a 2 min inflation at 40 mmHg. One minute deflation intervals followed this and the next measurements of 3 min at 60 mmHg and 4 min at 80 mmHg. Venous compliance (CV) was calculated as the slope of the regression line of the venous volume variations at each of the four measurement pressures (Bleeker et al 2004).

Following five further minutes of quiet rest, vascular conductance and venous compliance measures were performed on each of the participant's calves in the same manner and order as described above.

Exercise conditions

Four exercise conditions were compared using unilateral biceps curls and unilateral knee extensions: (1) 15% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) with no BFR (15/0), (2) 15% 1RM at 40% of arterial occlusion pressure (AOP) (15/40), (3) 15% 1RM at 80% AOP (15/80), and (4) 70% 1RM with no BFR (70/0). These conditions were chosen based upon prior research performed in our laboratory (Dankel et al 2017, Mouser et al 2017b). Participants were randomly assigned two of the four possible exercise conditions in the upper and lower body (i.e. one condition per limb) in a counter-balanced fashion such that no participant received the same exercise condition in the upper and lower limbs.

Prior to an exercise session, if a participant was performing blood flow restricted exercise, AOP was measured using a bidirectional Doppler probe (MD-6, Hokanson Inc., Belleville, WA). Briefly, the 5 cm cuff being used during BFR (SC5, Hokanson Inc., Belleville, WA, USA) was placed over the proximal-most portion of the arm or leg while the Doppler was placed over the radial artery or posterior tibial artery, respectively. The cuff was inflated to 50 mmHg and the pressure was slowly increased until no pulse could be detected aurally. The pressure at which occlusion occurred was recorded as AOP and used to calculate the relative (submaximal AOP) pressures used during training.

All participants in the 15% 1RM conditions performed four sets of exercise to a metronome cadence of 1 s concentric and 1 s eccentric with 30 s of rest between each set. Sets were limited to 90 repetitions each for time considerations and to limit as much as possible oxidative-based adaptations (Burd et al 2012). Participants in the high-load condition performed four sets of exercise to muscular failure with 90 s of rest between sets. Participants performed one set of exercise in each arm and each leg on the first training visit, two sets of the second visit, three sets on the third and fourth visit, and then four sets on the fifth through final visits. All exercise training and BFR was overseen by qualified laboratory personnel.

Statistical analysis

Separate statistical analyses were performed for the upper and lower body. Covariance pattern models were used to perform two-factor (2 by 4; time by condition) analysis of variance to examine the vascular responses to eight weeks of resistance exercise. This approach allows for repeated measures on time and also accounts for the dependency created because each participant contributed observations in two of the four possible exercise conditions, but not the same condition in both limbs of the upper or lower body. Using a person-period dataset (i.e. long format) with four observations per participant (one for each limb at pre, one for each limb at post), two different models of the error covariance structure, compound symmetry and unstructured, were initially estimated and compared. Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), both of which are statistical analyses examining the fit of the data to the model (Burnham and Anderson 2004), were calculated and compared. The model with the lower value of both AIC and BIC was chosen as this represented a better fit of the data to the model. If a significant condition by time interaction was found, simple effects were examined, otherwise main effects were investigated. Statistical significance was set a priori at α  =  .05, and all analyses were performed using SPSS 24 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).


Forty-two participants began the study. Forty participants (men  =  20, women  =  20) completed the entire protocol. Two participants did not complete the study: one was removed for failure to complete a sufficient number of training visits, one left for personal reasons unrelated to the study, and data from both were excluded from final analysis. One participant did not complete post testing measurements in the upper body and their data were excluded from that analysis (men  =  19, women  =  20). Final sample sizes in each exercise condition for the upper body were as follows: 15/0  =  19, 15/40  =  20, 15/80  =  19, 70/0  =  20. For the lower body, there was a sample size of 20 for each condition. Unless otherwise noted, values are reported as means and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Participant characteristics can be found in table 1.

Table 1. Participant characteristics.

  Pre Post
Age (years) 21.5 (2.4)
Height (m) 1.72 (0.09)
Body Mass (kg) 68.4 (11.5)
BMI (kg m−2) 23.0 (2.9)
SBP (mmHg) 122 (11) 117 (9)
DBP (mmHg) 69 (10) 65 (9)
MAP (mmHg) 87 (9) 82 (8)

Values are listed as means (standard deviations) and represent all 39 individuals who completed all pre and post testing sessions. SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure.

Vascular conductance

In the upper body, a statistically significant condition by time interaction was found (p   =  .032) showing that the FVC response was lower in the 15/40 condition than in the 15/80 (−8.70 (−16.07, −1.33) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .021) and 70/0 (−9.01 (−16.29, −1.73) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .016) conditions. There was a training effect only in the 15/80 (+8.29 (3.01, 13.57) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .002) and 70/0 (+8.595 (3.45, 13.74) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .001) conditions.

A statistically significant condition by time interaction was found in the lower body (p   =  .004). The calf vascular conductance response was lower in the 15/0 condition than in the 15/80 (−9.07 (−15.42, −2.73) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .005) and 70/0 (−8.42 (−14.77, −2.07 ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .010) conditions. Similarly, the 15/40 condition had a vascular conductance response that was lower than the 15/80 (−8.72 (−15.24, −2.20) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .009) and 70/0 (−8.06 (−14.59, −1.54) ml · mmHg−1, p   =  .016) conditions (table 2).

Table 2. Vascular adaptations following eight weeks of training.

  Pre Post Change
Vascular conductance
  15/0 (n  =  19) 21.96 (17.58, 26.34) 23.78 (19.40, 28.15) 1.81 (−3.47, 7.09)a,b
  15/40 (n  =  20) 25.44 (21.16, 29.71) 25.02 (20.74, 29.30) −0.41 (−5.56, 4.73)a
  15/80 (n  =  19) 20.89 (16.51, 25.27) 29.18 (24.80, 33.55)* 8.29 (3.01, 13.57)b
  70/0 (n  =  20) 19.24 (14.96, 23.52) 27.84 (23.56, 32.11)* 8.60 (3.45, 13.74)b
  15/0 (n  =  20) 30.04 (25.49, 34.58) 28.82 (24.27, 33.37) −1.22 (−5.71, 3.27)a
  15/40 (n  =  20) 31.87 (27.16, 36.58) 31.01 (26.30, 35.72) −0.86 (−5.60, 3.87)a
  15/80 (n  =  20) 26.58 (22.03, 31.13) 34.44 (29.89, 38.99)* 7.86 (3.37, 12.35)b
  70/0 (n  =  20) 27.25 (22.70, 31.80) 34.45 (29.90, 39.00)* 7.20 (2.71, 11.69)b
Venous compliance
  15/0 (n  =  19) 0.028 (0.024, 0.032) 0.031 (0.027, 0.035) 0.003 (−0.002, 0.008)
  15/40 (n  =  20) 0.030 (0.026, 0.034) 0.031 (0.027, 0.035) 0.001 (−0.003, 0.006)
  15/80 (n  =  19) 0.028 (0.024, 0.032) 0.033 (0.029, 0.037) 0.005 (0.000 08, 0.009)
  70/0 (n  =  20) 0.027 (0.023, 0.031) 0.031 (0.027, 0.035) 0.004 (−0.001, 0.009)
  15/0 (n  =  20) 0.034 (0.030, 0.038) 0.034 (0.030, 0.038) −0.000 07 (−0.004, 0.004)
  15/40 (n  =  20) 0.036 (0.032, 0.041) 0.036 (0.032, 0.040) 0.000 (−0.005, 0.004)
  15/80 (n  =  20) 0.033 (0.029, 0.037) 0.038 (0.034, 0.042) 0.005 (0.000, 0.009)
  70/0 (n  =  20) 0.034 (0.030, 0.038) 0.035 (0.031, 0.039) 0.001 (−0.003, 0.006)

Values reported as means (95% confidence intervals). Units for vascular conductance are ml·mmHg−1, while units for venous compliance are ml·100 ml−1 · mmHg−1. *Notes a significant difference from Pre (p   <  .05). Change scores marked with different letters are significantly different from each other (p   <  .05). Denotes a statistically significant interaction (p   <  .05). #Denotes a main effect of time (p   <  .05).

Venous compliance

In the upper body there was no interaction (p   =  .713) or main effect of condition (p   =  .813). There was a statistically significant main effect of time (p   =  .044), with venous compliance increasing from pretesting values across the duration of the study (+0.003 (.000 08, 0.006) ml · 100 ml−1 · mmHg−1). In the lower body there was no interaction (p   =  .335), nor were there main effects of time (p   =  .204) or condition (p   =  .684) (table 2).


This study sought to examine the vascular adaptations that occur following eight weeks of very low-load resistance exercise, with and without BFR, and compare them to the vascular adaptations that occur following eight weeks of traditional, high-load resistance exercise. Increases in vascular conductance, both in the upper and lower body, were not statistically significantly different between the very-low-load, high-pressure and high-load conditions, while venous compliance increased only in the upper body.

Forearm and calf vascular conductance

A unique finding of our study was that both forearm and calf vascular conductance increased in the very-low-load, high-pressure condition as well as the high-load condition, and these were not statistically significantly different from each other. There are several possibilities for this finding. Two studies examining the angiogenic signaling response to blood flow restricted exercise found increases in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression (Larkin et al 2012, Ferguson et al 2018). Increased eNOS activity leads to a more robust vasodilation, while VEGF is a potent angiogenic signal found in high concentrations in the muscle interstitium (Hoier and Hellsten 2014) following exercise, and is released from vesicles in the muscle fibers via repeated contractions. Similarly, hypoxia-inducible factor 1  −  α (HIF1  −  α) mRNA is increased following blood flow restricted exercise (Drummond et al 2008) as well as high-load exercise (Ribeiro et al 2017), and is implicated in an increase in capillarization as well (Krock et al 2011). Taken together, these acute increases in mRNA expression could signal long-term adaptations with repeated exposure.

In high-load resistance exercise, mechanical compression of the vessels is much greater than during low-load/very-low-load resistance exercise; mechanical compression and tissue stretch are also known to produce an angiogenic environment. It has been hypothesized that venous occlusion could increase the circumferential strain on the microvasculature (Price and Skalak 1994), leading to the release of angiogenic factors and a greater proliferation of arterioles and capillaries. That vascular adaptations occurred only in the high-pressure group (80% AOP) and not the moderate (40% AOP) or no pressure (0% AOP) groups tells us the following: 15% of 1RM is itself not mechanically able to cause an increase in angiogenic signaling sufficient to bring about adaptation, and 15% of 1RM combined with the moderate 40% of AOP is not able to increase circumferential strain to a degree that would bring about adaptation. These conclusions hold for both the upper and lower body. Past research investigating the ability of intermittent venous occlusion to treat peripheral vascular disease (Collens and Wilensky 1937) as seen with uncontrolled diabetes may need to be reexamined, and future research could focus on the application of high pressures alone to determine its contribution to capillary growth.

Venous compliance

Venous compliance, which contributes to orthostatic tolerance, increased in the upper body only. Other research examining the venous response to BFR has been performed, primarily in the lower body. One study examined walk training while under BFR and found that calf venous compliance increased (Iida et al 2011). Another study examined calf venous compliance following knee extensor training and saw no change in compliance (Fahs et al 2014). This disparity in results can be explained by the different modes of exercise as well as the location of the measurement. The calf muscles are activated during walking, and so the calf muscle pump is activating with each step. Combined with an increased pressure load from the application of the pneumatic cuffs, the pressure in the veins will increase to a greater degree during walking. With knee extension exercise, the muscles of the lower leg are not always activated, and differences in knee extension technique below the quadriceps (i.e. isometric dorsiflexion versus plantarflexion versus relaxed) could alter the muscle pump in the calf.

The location of the measurement also plays a role in the results observed here. The veins of the legs are under higher pressures than those of the arms during everyday activities (Rowell 1993), and so it is possible that any amount of activity, from very-low-load resistance exercise to high-load resistance exercise places the arm veins under greater pressures than they would be subject to otherwise. That argument notwithstanding, the increase in venous compliance in the forearms was quite small, and caution should be taken when interpreting these results.


It should be noted that we employed the use of strain gauge plethysmography, which is an indirect measure of vascular proliferation and function. Although there is good agreement between ultrasound measures and plethysmography (Green et al 2011), plethysmography is unable to measure blood flow oscillatory patterns. Vascular function has been shown to decrease (Credeur et al 2010) following handgrip exercise performed under BFR, likely due to disturbances in these patterns, shown previously by Paiva and colleagues (Paiva et al 2016). Future research could directly measure responses to this type of training via muscle biopsy and capillary quantification, as well as measure blood flow patterns during exercise. We also elected to study adaptations to both the upper and lower body to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the vascular adaptations to different forms of training. Although adaptations are thought to be local, it is unknown if training all four limbs in a given session impacted the changes. Future research could explore this further. Lastly, we did not have a non-exercise control group, which would have allowed us to better account the error of the tester as well as the error associated with random biological variability over an 8 week intervention. However, the similar responses observed with vascular conductance in the upper and lower body gives some confidence that this is an effect of the treatment.


This study has shown that high BFR pressures combined with very-low-load resistance exercise induces vascular adaptations that are not different from those observed with traditional high-load resistance exercise, and that these patterns hold for both the upper and lower body. This could be clinically relevant as increasing peripheral blood flow is of benefit to certain populations with peripheral vascular disease and peripheral neuropathy. Forearm venous compliance increased in all exercise conditions, but this result is quite small and should be interpreted with caution. Calf venous compliance did not change following training, likely due to increased venous pressure in the legs from everyday activities.


This work was partially funded through grants provided by The Japanese Society of Wellness and Preventive Medicine as well as The School of Applied Sciences at The University of Mississippi.

Ethical approval

All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.

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