
Kerbusch AEG, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM et al. Acta Odontol Scand 2012; 70: 564–568

Studies have reported a prevalence of white spot lesions in ca. 50% of patients who have received fixed appliances. Among other factors, patients who miss dental appointments and those with increased treatment times have more white spot lesions. In this study, a questionnaire was sent to all registered orthodontists in the Netherlands. There was >80% response. Although most orthodontists carried out preventative advice, surprisingly the authors found that only two thirds of these prescribed a fluoride mouth rinse. This was possibly because these orthodontists considered only a proportion of their patients actually used the mouth rinse. In addition, most orthodontists believe that 'repeated oral hygiene instruction' result in little if any oral health gain. High fluoride toothpaste and chlorhexidine varnish were only rarely prescribed.