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135 search results for:

Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy 

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  1. Open Access 22-09-2023 | Hepatitis E | OriginalPaper

    Neurological manifestation of HEV infection: still a rare disease entity?

    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is the most common form of viral hepatitis and is reported to cause neurological manifestation in up to 30% of diagnosed infections. We evaluated the medical reports of all patients (n = 29,994) who were …

  2. Open Access 12-01-2024 | Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy | OriginalPaper

    Orthopnea secondary to brachial plexitis with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis

    A unique and subtle presentation of brachial plexopathy highlights the need to explore the possibility of diaphragmatic paralysis in cases of new-onset orthopnea.

  3. Open Access 26-07-2023 | Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy | Case Study

    Using PET-CT to detect Parsonage–Turner syndrome

    18 F-FDG PET-CT may help in early detection of muscle denervation in Parsonage–Turner syndrome, which is characterized by sudden onset of shoulder girdle pain followed by upper limb weakness.

  4. 31-10-2023 | Abstract

    Abstracts of the 53 Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Neurology

  5. 13-12-2022 | Ultrasound | OriginalPaper

    The role of ultrasonography in diagnosis of neuralgic amyotrophy

    Neuralgic amyotrophy (NA), also known as Parsonage Turner syndrome [ 1 ], is a relatively rare syndrome characterized by severe pain in shoulder, back and/or upper limbs, followed by shoulder girdle and/or upper limb muscles weakness and atrophy …

  6. 11-01-2024 | Peripheral Nervous System Disease | ReviewPaper

    Vasculitic neuropathies

    Nerve involvement in vasculitis can be part of a systemic syndrome affecting multiple organs, or be confined to the peripheral nerves making diagnosis more challenging. This review describes the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and options for treatment.

  7. Open Access 01-12-2022 | Neurotomy | OriginalPaper

    Shoulder muscle changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who have a painful shoulder: a quantitative muscle ultrasound study

    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with shoulder disorders such as adhesive capsulitis and rotator cuff disorders [ 1 , 2 ]. These disorders are primarily regarded as connective tissue disorders, but neuropathy is also hypothesized to be the …

  8. Open Access 21-08-2023 | Autoimmune Encephalitis | OriginalPaper

    Autoimmune processes in neurological patients are much more common than presently suspected

    Autoimmune encephalitides are seldom diseases. How rare they actually are, however, is not known. The low incidence combined with the problematic identification may dampen efforts of neurologists, to identify patients with unclear symptoms as …

  9. 01-09-2023 | Vaccination | News


    Neuralgic amyotrophy: case report
  10. 01-12-2022 | Turner's Syndrome | Case Study

    COVID-19 atypical Parsonage-Turner syndrome: a case report

    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (Sars-CoV-2), has crucially affected the life of everyone worldwide and significantly changed the course of history. Whereas typical …

  11. 28-07-2023 | Ultrasound | Report

    Highlights of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2023, Perth, Western Australia

    The AMSIG Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 was held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Perth, Western Australia with the main meeting on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th in May as a hybrid meeting with approximately 200 on-site delegates and 200 online …

  12. 02-11-2023 | OriginalPaper

    Optimized 3D brachial plexus MR neurography using deep learning reconstruction

    Three-dimensional (3D), T 2 -weighted magnetic resonance neurography (MRN) provides the through-plane spatial resolution and reformatting capabilities to visualize complex nerve anatomy in multiple anatomic planes [ 1 – 3 ]. This is particularly …

  13. Open Access 01-12-2023 | Turner's Syndrome | OriginalPaper

    A West Nile Virus infection expressed as unilateral limb paralysis and complicated by Parsonage–Turner syndrome: a case report

    West Nile virus is a single-stranded Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) arbovirus of the Flaviviridae family, transmitted to humans by Culex species mosquitoes [ 1 ]. The incubation period is 2–14 days, after which 80% of affected people do not develop any …

  14. 01-07-2023 | Polyneuropathy | News


    Neuralgic amyotrophy: case report
  15. 01-11-2022 | Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy | News

    COVID-19 vaccine-related neuralgic amyotrophy

  16. 08-02-2023 | Neurotomy | OriginalPaper

    Parsonage-Turner syndrome following monkeypox infection and vaccination

    Beginning in May 2022, monkeypox infection and vaccination rates dramatically increased due to a worldwide outbreak. This case highlights magnetic resonance (MR) neurography findings in an individual who developed Parsonage-Turner syndrome (PTS) 5 …

  17. 01-01-2023 | News


    Neuralgic amyotrophy: 3 case reports
  18. 01-04-2023 | Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy | News

    Covid-19 vaccines

    Parsonage Turner syndrome : 12 case reports
  19. 11-07-2022 | Oral Cancer | OriginalPaper

    A randomized controlled trial of scapular exercises with electromyography biofeedback in oral cancer patients with accessory nerve dysfunction

    The accessory nerve superficially crosses the posterior triangle of the neck, which makes it susceptible to injury during surgery [ 1 ]. The accessory nerve innervates sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. Among these, the trapezius is the …

  20. Open Access 01-12-2021 | COVID-19 | ReviewPaper

    Neurological manifestations and neuroimaging findings in patients with SARS-CoV2—a systematic review

    The infamous COVID-19 pandemic has drastically involved everyone in a hit or miss manner. The world is currently fighting against a highly infectious novel coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV2. What began as an outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan, China …

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