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Open Access 01-11-2024 | Yersinia | Brief Report

Isolation and characterization of Yersinia phage fMtkYen3-01

Authors: Sophia Goladze, Sheetal Patpatia, Henni Tuomala, Matti Ylänne, Nino Gachechiladze, Daniel de Oliveira Patricio, Mikael Skurnik, Lotta-Riina Sundberg

Published in: Archives of Virology | Issue 11/2024

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Yersinia enterocolitica causes yersiniosis, the third most common gastrointestinal infection in humans throughout Europe. The emergence of multidrug resistance and the lack of effective new antibiotics have drawn attention to phage therapy as a treatment option. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of phage fMtkYen3-01, which infects Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3 strains. This phage has a genome 40,415 bp in length with 45.1% GC content and 49 predicted genes. fMtkYen3-01 infected 9.5% of the 42 Y. enterocolitica strains tested and showed stability at 25–40 °C, as well as pH 5.0–10.0. These results suggest the therapeutic potential of this phage.
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go back to reference Dey A (2020) Annual epidemiological report for 2020 Dey A (2020) Annual epidemiological report for 2020
Isolation and characterization of Yersinia phage fMtkYen3-01
Sophia Goladze
Sheetal Patpatia
Henni Tuomala
Matti Ylänne
Nino Gachechiladze
Daniel de Oliveira Patricio
Mikael Skurnik
Lotta-Riina Sundberg
Publication date
Springer Vienna
Published in
Archives of Virology / Issue 11/2024
Print ISSN: 0304-8608
Electronic ISSN: 1432-8798

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