03-01-2024 | Vocal Fold Polyp | Laryngology
Office-based blue laser therapy for vocal fold polyps and Reinke’s edema: a case study and review of the literature
Abdul-Latif Hamdan, Jad Hosri, Jerome R. Lechien
Published in:
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Issue 4/2024
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To report the efficacy of blue laser in the treatment of vocal fold polyps and Reinke’s edema in an office setting.
The medical records and video-recordings of patients who underwent office-based blue laser therapy in a tertiary referral center for vocal fold polyps and/or Reinke’s edema were reviewed. The primary outcome measures were the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) score and disease regression. Acoustic and aerodynamic parameters were also analyzed.
Thirty-five patients (21 with vocal fold polyps and 14 with Reinke’s edema) were included and a total of 47 lesions were treated. Out of the 35 patients, 7 patients were lost for follow-up. The mean VHI-10 score dropped significantly after surgery by 17.41 ± 8.67 points (p < 0.001). The endoscopic examinations of 38 lesions were reviewed (17 vocal fold polyps and 21 Reinke’s edema) before and up to 6 months after laser therapy. In the subgroup with vocal fold polyps (N = 17), there was complete disease regression in 13 and partial in 4. In the subgroup with Reinke’s edema (N = 21), there was complete disease regression in 7 and partial disease regression in 14. For patients with vocal fold polyp, there was a significant decrease in shimmer and a significant increase in maximum phonation time postoperatively. For patients with Reinke’s edema, there was a significant decrease in shimmer and noise-to-harmonic ratio following treatment.
Office-based blue laser therapy is an effective treatment for vocal fold polyps and Reinke’s edema leading to complete or partial disease regression. All patients had improvement in voice quality.