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Open Access 01-12-2017 | Case report

V-shaped double-row distal triceps tendon repair: a novel technique using unicortical button fixation

Authors: Bastian Scheiderer, Lucca Lacheta, Andreas B. Imhoff, Sebastian Siebenlist

Published in: European Journal of Medical Research | Issue 1/2017

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This report was designed to present a novel technique combining suture anchor and unicortical button fixation for distal triceps tendon repair.

Technical description

For anatomical reinsertion of an acute distal triceps tendon rupture, two suture anchors and one unicortical button forming a V-shaped configuration were used. The operative approach is described in detail.


Excellent clinical and functional results were achieved in the early postoperative phase. The patient reached full elbow range of motion and extension muscle strength (5/5) compared to the uninjured arm 12 weeks after surgery. Complications did not occur.


This is the first report using unicortical button fixation in distal triceps tendon repair with promising preliminary results.

Level of evidence

Technical description, case report, Level V
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V-shaped double-row distal triceps tendon repair: a novel technique using unicortical button fixation
Bastian Scheiderer
Lucca Lacheta
Andreas B. Imhoff
Sebastian Siebenlist
Publication date
BioMed Central
Published in
European Journal of Medical Research / Issue 1/2017
Electronic ISSN: 2047-783X