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Open Access 01-12-2017 | Research

Usefulness and capability of three-dimensional, full high-definition movies for surgical education

Authors: M. Takano, K. Kasahara, K. Sugahara, A. Watanabe, S. Yoshida, T. Shibahara

Published in: Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery | Issue 1/2017

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Because of changing surgical procedures in the fields of oral and maxillofacial surgery, new methods for surgical education are needed and could include recent advances in digital technology. Many doctors have attempted to use digital technology as educational tools for surgical training, and movies have played an important role in these attempts. We have been using a 3D full high-definition (full-HD) camcorder to record movies of intra-oral surgeries.


The subjects were medical students and doctors receiving surgical training who did not have actual surgical experience (n = 67). Participants watched an 8-min, 2D movie of orthognathic surgery and subsequently watched the 3D version. After watching the 3D movie, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire.


A lot of participants (84%) felt a 3D movie excellent or good and answered that the advantages of a 3D movie were their appearance of solidity or realism. Almost all participants (99%) answered that 3D movies were quite useful or useful for medical practice.


Three-dimensional full-HD movies have the potential to improve the quality of medical education and clinical practice in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
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Usefulness and capability of three-dimensional, full high-definition movies for surgical education
M. Takano
K. Kasahara
K. Sugahara
A. Watanabe
S. Yoshida
T. Shibahara
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery / Issue 1/2017
Electronic ISSN: 2288-8586