03-01-2024 | Thyroid Cancer | Original Article
Stimulating thyroglobulin to TSH ratio predict long-term efficacy of 131I therapy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer after total thyroidectomy: a retrospective study
Xue Yin, Chao Lu, Danyang Sun, Yanhui Ji, Yan Wang, Hongyuan Zheng, Ziyu Ma, Qiang Jia, Jian Tan, Wei Zheng
Published in:
Issue 3/2024
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This study utilized the stimulated thyroglobulin (sTg) to thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) ratio to predict the long-term efficacy of 131I therapy in patients with moderate-to-high-risk differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC).
This study retrospectively analyzed 960 DTC patients with a median follow-up time of 30 months (6–92 months). The median age was 44 years. All patients underwent total thyroidectomy, lymph node dissection, and at least one 131I therapy. Patients were subjected to a final efficacy evaluation according to American Thyroid Association’s 2015 guidelines. Patients were grouped according to their TSH levels before the initial 131I therapy and the final efficacy evaluation, and factors influencing TSH levels and final efficacy were analyzed. Construction of nomograms using independent risk factors affecting long-term outcomes. The cut-offs of sTg and sTg/TSH ratios were calculated for different long-term outcomes. Progression-free survival (PFS) of patients was analyzed by making Kaplan-Meier survival according to the cut-offs of sTg and sTg/TSH ratio.
TSH (mU/L) levels were more concentrated at 60–90 in females (71.5%) and 30–60 in males (39.0%), while patients with younger age, more lymph node metastases, shorter time interval between surgery and the first 131I therapy, and lower dose of levothyroxine sodium taken prior to the first 131I therapy would have higher TSH levels (All P < 0.05).Patients who are male, have primary tumor involvement of the strap muscles, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, and higher sTg and sTg/TSH are more likely to have poor long-term outcomes (All P < 0.05).The cut-offs of sTg and sTg/TSH for long-term efficacy were 7.515 and 0.095. STg, sTg/TSH, tumor size, lymph node metastasis, and distant metastasis were shown to be independent risk factors for long-term efficacy. The mean PFSs were longer for patients who had sTg/TSH ≤ 0.095 and/or sTg≤7.515 ug/L.
For patients with moderate-to-high-risk DTC, when sTg>7.515 ug/L and/or sTg/TSH > 0.095 before the first 131I therapy, patients are more likely to have a poor long-term efficacy after full 131I therapy. This means that this group of patients may require further surgical treatment or targeted drug therapy after 131I therapy.