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09-07-2022 | Thrombosis | Original Article

Clinical characteristics of Japanese patients with polycythemia vera: results of the JSH-MPN-R18 study

Authors: Yoko Edahiro, Tomoki Ito, Akihiko Gotoh, Mika Nakamae, Fumihiko Kimura, Michiaki Koike, Keita Kirito, Hideho Wada, Kensuke Usuki, Takayuki Tanaka, Takehiko Mori, Satoshi Wakita, Toshiki I. Saito, Akiko Kada, Akiko M. Saito, Kazuya Shimoda, Yuka Sugimoto, Toshiro Kurokawa, Akihiro Tomita, Yoshinori Hashimoto, Koichi Akashi, Itaru Matsumura, Katsuto Takenaka, Norio Komatsu

Published in: International Journal of Hematology | Issue 5/2022

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The presence of a JAK2 V617F or JAK2 exon 12 mutation is one of the three major criteria listed for the diagnosis of polycythemia vera (PV) in the 2017 World Health Organization Classification. However, a nationwide study has not yet been conducted in Japan since the discovery of JAK2 mutations. Therefore, the Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH) retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics of 596 Japanese patients with PV diagnosed between April 2005 and March 2018. Among the 473 patients with complete data on JAK2 mutations available, 446 (94.3%) and 10 (2.1%) were positive for the JAK2 V617F and JAK2 exon 12 mutations, respectively. During a median follow-up of 46 months (range: 0–179 months), 47 (7.9%) deaths occurred. The major causes of death were secondary malignancies (23.4%), acute leukemia (12.8%), non-leukemic progressive disease (10.6%) and thrombotic (6.4%) and hemorrhagic complications (6.4%). Thrombotic and hemorrhagic events occurred during the clinical course in 4.0% (n = 24) and 3.5% (n = 21) of patients, respectively. These results show that the international PV prognostic score (age, venous thrombosis and leukocytosis) is applicable to Japanese patients with PV.
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Clinical characteristics of Japanese patients with polycythemia vera: results of the JSH-MPN-R18 study
Yoko Edahiro
Tomoki Ito
Akihiko Gotoh
Mika Nakamae
Fumihiko Kimura
Michiaki Koike
Keita Kirito
Hideho Wada
Kensuke Usuki
Takayuki Tanaka
Takehiko Mori
Satoshi Wakita
Toshiki I. Saito
Akiko Kada
Akiko M. Saito
Kazuya Shimoda
Yuka Sugimoto
Toshiro Kurokawa
Akihiro Tomita
Yoshinori Hashimoto
Koichi Akashi
Itaru Matsumura
Katsuto Takenaka
Norio Komatsu
Publication date
Springer Nature Singapore
Published in
International Journal of Hematology / Issue 5/2022
Print ISSN: 0925-5710
Electronic ISSN: 1865-3774

ASH 2024 Annual Meeting Coverage

inMIND supports tafasitamab addition in follicular lymphoma

Combining tafasitamab with lenalidomide and rituximab significantly improves progression-free survival for patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma.

Featuring the official presentation video

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Recent advances in the use of CAR T-cell therapies in relapsed/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma

In this webinar, Professor Martin Dreyling and an esteemed international panel of CAR T-cell therapy experts discuss the latest data on the safety, efficacy, and clinical impact of CAR T-cell therapies in the treatment of r/r DLBCL and r/r FL.

Please note, this webinar is not intended for healthcare professionals based in the US and UK.

Sponsored by:
  • Novartis Pharma AG
Chaired by: Prof. Martin Dreyling
Developed by: Springer Healthcare
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