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28-09-2024 | Suicide | Research

Associations between gun violence exposure and suicide mortality rates in US counties

Author: Konstantinos Christopoulos

Published in: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology

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Gun violence traumatizes communities and places a heavy burden on the mental health of those exposed. This ecological study examines the association between gun violence exposure and suicide mortality rates in US counties for the period 1999–2020 at various urbanicity levels.


A Bayesian hierarchical Gamma–Poisson model with state random effects was employed to model the age-adjusted suicide mortality rates which adjusted for sex ratio, urbanicity, social vulnerability, gun ownership, culture of honor, and exposure spillovers from neighbouring counties.


Results indicate a small significant positive association between gun violence and suicide mortality rates. Urbanicity levels do not appear to modify this association, although the association may be slightly smaller for large urban metros.


Gun violence exposure may be positively associated with suicide mortality in US counties.
The number of counties from CDC WOnDER is slightly higher than the official US census count because some counties have now merged into one.
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Associations between gun violence exposure and suicide mortality rates in US counties
Konstantinos Christopoulos
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Print ISSN: 0933-7954
Electronic ISSN: 1433-9285