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09-07-2022 | Sore Throat | Original Article

Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa in the Proximal Esophagus: Prospective Study and Systematic Review on Relationships with Endoscopic Findings and Clinical Data

Authors: Marcin Romańczyk, Krzysztof Budzyń, Tomasz Romańczyk, Magdalena Lesińska, Mateusz Koziej, Marek Hartleb, Marek Waluga

Published in: Dysphagia | Issue 2/2023

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Cervical inlet patches (CIP) are common endoscopic findings with uncertain pathogenesis and clinical significance. We aimed to perform a systematic review and prospective study of clinical data and endoscopic findings related to CIP. It was a prospective single-center study conducted between 10/01/2017 and 9/01/2018. Forty patients with histopathologically confirmed CIP were compared with 222 individuals in the reference group. The systematic review was executed in accordance with the PRISMA guideline. Alcohol consumption tended to be higher among patients with CIP (3.0 ± 4.6 vs. 1.9 ± 5.0 standard drinks/week CIP patients and reference group, respectively; p < 0.001). Dysphagia was more frequent among patients with CIP (25% vs. 1.4%, CIP patients and reference group, respectively; p < 0.001), and sore throat and hoarseness were less frequent in patients with CIP (17.5% vs. 26.6% CIP patients and reference group, respectively; p < 0.01). In the multivariate regression analysis, the only risk factor of CIP occurrence was dysphagia (OR 21.9, 95%CI 4.9–98.6; p < 0.001). Sore throat and hoarseness were a reverse-risk factor of CIP diagnosis (OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.1–0.93; p = 0.04). Clinical data and coexisting endoscopic findings were not related to CIP. In the presented study, dysphagia was related to CIP occurrence, and sore throat and hoarseness tended to be less frequent among patients with CIP.
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Heterotopic Gastric Mucosa in the Proximal Esophagus: Prospective Study and Systematic Review on Relationships with Endoscopic Findings and Clinical Data
Marcin Romańczyk
Krzysztof Budzyń
Tomasz Romańczyk
Magdalena Lesińska
Mateusz Koziej
Marek Hartleb
Marek Waluga
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Dysphagia / Issue 2/2023
Print ISSN: 0179-051X
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0460