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03-01-2024 | Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders | Sleep Breathing Physiology and Disorders • Original Article

The value of circadian heart rate variability for the estimation of obstructive sleep apnea severity in adult males

Authors: Baokun Zhang, Mengke Zhao, Xiao Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xiaomin Liu, Weiwei Huang, Shanshan Lu, Juanjuan Xu, Ying Liu, Wei Xu, Xiuhua Li, Jiyou Tang

Published in: Sleep and Breathing | Issue 3/2024

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Heart rate variability (HRV) is becoming more prevalent as a measurable parameter in wearable sleep-monitoring devices, which are simple and effective instruments for illness evaluation. Currently, most studies on investigating OSA severity and HRV have measured heart rates during wakefulness or sleep. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the circadian rhythm of HRV in male patients with OSA and its value for the estimation of OSA severity using group-based trajectory modeling.


Patients with complaints of snoring were enrolled from the Sleep Center of Shandong Qianfoshan Hospital. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to apnea hypopnea index (AHI in events/h), as follows: (<15, 15≤AHI<30, and ≥30). HRV parameters were calculated using 24 h Holter monitoring, which included time-domain and frequency-domain indices. Circadian differences in the standard deviation of normal to normal (SDNN) were evaluated for OSA severity using analysis of variance, trajectory analysis, and multinomial logistic regression.


A total of 228 patients were enrolled, 47 with mild OSA, 48 moderate, and 133 severe. Patients with severe OSA exhibited reduced triangular index and higher very low frequency than those in the other groups. Circadian HRV showed that nocturnal SDNN was considerably higher than daytime SDNN in patients with severe OSA. The difference among the OSA groups was significant at 23, 24, 2, and 3 o’clock sharp between the severe and moderate OSA groups (all P<0.05). The heterogeneity of circadian HRV trajectories in OSA was strongly associated with OSA severity, including sleep structure and hypoxia-related parameters. Among the low-to-low, low-to-high, high-to-low, and high-to-high groups, OSA severity in the low-to-high group was the most severe, especially compared with the low-to-low and high-to-low SDNN groups, respectively.


Circadian HRV in patients with OSA emerged as low daytime and high nocturnal in SDNN, particularly in men with severe OSA. The heterogeneity of circadian HRV revealed that trajectories with low daytime and significantly high nighttime were more strongly associated with severe OSA. Thus, circadian HRV trajectories may be useful to identify the severity of OSA.
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The value of circadian heart rate variability for the estimation of obstructive sleep apnea severity in adult males
Baokun Zhang
Mengke Zhao
Xiao Zhang
Xiaoyu Zhang
Xiaomin Liu
Weiwei Huang
Shanshan Lu
Juanjuan Xu
Ying Liu
Wei Xu
Xiuhua Li
Jiyou Tang
Publication date
Springer International Publishing
Published in
Sleep and Breathing / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1520-9512
Electronic ISSN: 1522-1709

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