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Open Access 01-12-2017 | Research

Six-implant-supported immediate fixed rehabilitation of atrophic edentulous maxillae with tilted distal implants

Authors: S. Wentaschek, S. Hartmann, C. Walter, W. Wagner

Published in: International Journal of Implant Dentistry | Issue 1/2017

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The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the treatment outcome of six Bredent blueSky™ implants (Bredent GmbH, Senden, Germany) immediately loaded with a fixed full-arch prosthesis (two tilted posterior and four axial frontal and premolar implants).


All 10 patients with atrophic edentulous maxillae being treated with a standardized procedure from 09/2009 to 01/2013, who had a follow-up of at least 3 years, were included. Sixty implants were placed to support 10 screwed prostheses. Twenty-one of them were inserted in fresh extraction sockets. Lab-side-prepared provisional fixed prostheses were placed at the day of implantation. Periotest (PT) values and implant stability quotient (ISQ) were measured after implant surgery and after 3 months of healing in all patients.


The analyzed implants were in function in mean 64 ± 13 months (range 42 to 84 months). One axial and two tilted implants failed in three patients. The mean PT values decreased, and ISQ increased significantly after the first 3 months at the osseointegrated tilted and axial implants. With an area under the curve of 0.503 and 0.506 in the receiver operating characteristic, the PT values and the ISQ were unspecific parameters and unsuitable as a predictor for the risk of non-osseointegration.


Within the limits of this small group (n = 10 patients/60 implants), the failure rate of the analyzed implant system (n = 3 respective 5% implant loss) seems to be comparable with other immediate-loading protocols. The failure rate of tilted implants in the atrophic upper jaw was quite high, but the aimed treatment concept could be achieved in every patient. The rehabilitation of the posterior region in edentulous maxilla remains a challenge.
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Six-implant-supported immediate fixed rehabilitation of atrophic edentulous maxillae with tilted distal implants
S. Wentaschek
S. Hartmann
C. Walter
W. Wagner
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
International Journal of Implant Dentistry / Issue 1/2017
Electronic ISSN: 2198-4034