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Internal Medicine Rheumatology


Late-onset systemic lupus erythematosus

How does the natural history of late-onset SLE – initial diagnosis after 50–65 years – differ from that of classical SLE? And what are the key considerations for diagnosis and treatment in this population?

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Editor's Choice

Gouty lumbar spinal stenosis

  • Open Access
  • Gout
  • Case Study

An unusual case of lumbar spinal stenosis caused by gouty tophi in a 26-year-old man. Physicians should be alert to the possibility of spinal gout in patients who present with back pain.

Baricitinib shows promise for polymyalgia rheumatica

Treatment with the JAK inhibitor baricitinib for 12 weeks results in low disease activity for individuals with a recent diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica compared with placebo.

JAK inhibition promising for refractory Behçet’s disease

A patient with Behçet's disease refractory to standard therapies, and complicated by uveitis and axial spondyloarthritis, responded to treatment with upadacitinib, pointing to a role for JAK inhibition in this setting.

Long-term trial data continue to support bimekizumab for axSpA

Extended follow-up of the BE MOBILE 1 and 2 trials shows bimekizumab is well tolerated and efficacious in individuals with axial spondyloarthritis for up to 2 years after initiation.

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Case Studies

Gouty lumbar spinal stenosis

  • Open Access
  • Gout
  • Case Study

An unusual case of lumbar spinal stenosis caused by gouty tophi in a 26-year-old man. Physicians should be alert to the possibility of spinal gout in patients who present with back pain.

JAK inhibition promising for refractory Behçet’s disease

A patient with Behçet's disease refractory to standard therapies, and complicated by uveitis and axial spondyloarthritis, responded to treatment with upadacitinib, pointing to a role for JAK inhibition in this setting.

ALS in a patient with CLL and drug-related SLR

A man with a skin rash and left leg weakness was diagnosed with sarcoid-like reaction due to treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and ultimately also amyotrophic lateral sclerosis when the motor symptoms progressed.

Current Reviews

Imaging in clinical trials for psoriatic arthritis: a scoping review

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory condition principally affecting the skin and musculoskeletal system, associated with comorbidities and decreased quality of life. Imaging is crucial for diagnosis, monitoring progression, and …

Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity of SDZ-ADL, an Adalimumab Biosimilar, in Biologic-Naïve and Switched Patients with Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: A Literature Review

Sandoz-adalimumab (SDZ-ADL; Hyrimoz®, GP2017) is an adalimumab (ADL) biosimilar approved for the treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Here, we review the available literature on SDZ-ADL from controlled and real-world evidence …

Chronic Pain and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder: A Scoping Review

The impetus for this study came about through clinical observations of clients presenting with both Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Chronic Pain (CP) through work in Community Pain Management Services. While being aware of substantial and …

A Comprehensive Review of Contemporary Bioreactors for Vascular Inflammation Studies

The field of vascular biology has advanced significantly with bioreactor systems, which have become essential tools for investigating the mechanisms of vascular inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, vasculitis, and aneurysms. These …

Further Reading

Low prevalence of methotrexate intolerance in rheumatoid arthritis: a South African study

Methotrexate (MTX) is used in the management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since the 1980’s and is more effective in reducing inflammation, structural damage and disability than other synthetic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD) [ 1 ].

International overview on juvenile-, adult- and elderly-onset rheumatoid arthritis: The age at disease onset as a fundamental determinant of clinical presentation

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comprises a group of inflammatory disorders that begin before the 18th birthday and persist for at least 6 weeks [ 1 ]. When the disease starts above 60, it is called elderly-onset RA or late-onset RA [ 2 ].

Opportunistic osteoporosis screening in intraoperative CT can accurately identify patients with low volumetric bone mineral density and osteoporosis during spine surgery

Osteoporosis is common in elderly patients undergoing spine surgery [ 1 – 3 ]. Abnormal bone density at the thoracolumbar spine has been demonstrated as a major risk factor for postoperative complications, including hardware failure, screw …

Freiburg Neuropathology Case Conference: Progressive Optic Nerve Lesion Over a 16-Year Period

A 60-years-old female patient, first presented in 2008 with a transient visual impairment of the left eye and pathological visually evoked potentials. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a unilateral, concentric, enhancing lesion encasing …