Rehabilitation of Maxillectomy Patients Using Zygoma Implants
Pushpa Kumari, Anita Kapri, Ashish Chakranarayan, Sudhanshu Shekhar Mohapatra, Akshay Kannan, Vaibhav Jain, Shakil Nagori
Published in:
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
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The aim of the present study was to rehabilitate extensive acquired maxillary defects using zygomatic implant and endosseous dental implant-retained obturator/prosthesis. The objective was to provide a stable, well-retained obturator and to determine the use of zygomatic implants as a reconstructive option to overcome the loss of retentive anatomy following maxillectomy. A total of eight OPD patients - six male and two female of all age groups were selected.
Scales assessed were: a) Oral Health impact Profile -14 (OHIP-14) and b) Obturator functioning scale (OFS). Parameters recorded preoperatively and 3 months postoperatively. Clip on denture was delivered to the patient within 7 days with immediate loading concept.
The age groups of the patients ranged between 32 and 54 years with mean age of 44.875. The OHIP-14 scores showed significant differences in all domains with conventional obturator/ with implant-retained obturator: mean functional limitation - 4.13
/0.75; mean physical pain - 5.88 / 0.63. The obturator function scores significantly improved from 4.5 to 30.63.
Although currently limited, the evidence suggests overall good survival rates for the use of zygomatic implants; however, there are varied institutional results reported, most likely due to differing levels of experience with these techniques which have a distinct learning curve.