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Editor's Choice

Unconventional imaging methods in psoriatic arthritis

Novel imaging modalities that enable both structural and molecular characterization hold great promise for improving the understanding of psoriatic arthritis and and advancing toward personalized medicine.

NG101 shows mixed benefits in spinal cord injury

The monoclonal antibody NG101 does not improve motor recovery in patients with acute spinal cord injury, but shows potential benefit for those with motor-incomplete injury.

Handheld ultra-widefield OCT device may improve ROP examination

An ultra-widefield optical coherence tomography device can provide high-quality images for use in diagnosing retinopathy of prematurity without the need for scleral depression.

Stopping DMT can trigger inflammatory disease in stable MS

Discontinuing first-line disease-modifying therapy for multiple sclerosis can lead to recurrence of inflammatory disease activity in patients with stable disease.

Magnetic resonance imaging of pediatric pulmonary hypertension

What role can MRI play in diagnosing pulmonary hypertension in children? Learn about the structural, functional, and hemodynamic cardiovascular findings, and how they can be applied to different scenarios.

Hearing loss as first symptom of pneumonia

The typical clinical manifestations of Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia are high fever, headache, myalgia, cough, and dyspnea. But this patient presented with sudden hearing loss. Would you have considered pneumonia?

MOGAD: clinical relapse after 52 years

An attack of optic neuritis after a remarkably prolonged interval, illustrating the variable disease course in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease. How should you manage recurrent optic neuritis?

Cushing disease or ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone syndrome?

A girl with typical signs and symptoms of hypercortisolemia experienced adrenal insufficiency while on oral ketoconazole. Ectopic ACTH syndrome due to a thymic neuroendocrine tumor was diagnosed.

Double-balloon method to remove button battery

After traditional removal methods failed, expanding the esophagus with a columnar balloon, clamping the button battery with foreign body forceps, and dragging with a disposable stone removal balloon was successful in a 17-month-old.

Rare pathogen and uncommon complication

The first report of pneumonia caused by the opportunistic pathogen Streptococcus salivarius. The case was further complicated by the development of spontaneous pneumomediastinum.

Experts make recommendations on real-world donanemab use

Appropriate use recommendations for donanemab will help guide clinicians when identifying patients with Alzheimer's disease who are suitable for treatment.

Diagnoses using epicardial fat density

CT assessment of epicardial adipose tissue density and calculation of the fat attenuation index are emerging as useful indicators of pericoronary and periatrial inflammation, and might play a role in diagnosis of CAD and AF.

Assessing body composition in people with class 2 or 3 obesity

Knowing the body composition of people with class 2 or 3 obesity is crucial to understanding the effectiveness of pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and surgical interventions, but how is it best assessed?

Dextrocardia with complete AV block

An atypical presentation of atrioventricular block in an older patient with dextrocardia and situs inversus, successfully managed with a dual-pacemaker implantation using the left subclavian vein.

Updates in breast cancer screening and diagnosis

Explore the current recommendations for breast cancer screening and the available imaging modalities as well as considerations for special populations, such as transgender patients.

Anaphylaxis due to gadolinium-based MR contrast medium

During a knee joint MRI test, a 5-year-old boy had a severe anaphylactic reaction 10 min after injection of the contrast medium. Such severe reactions are rare, but can be life-threatening.

Tracheopericardial fistula masquerading as acute MI

Tracheopericardial fistula is often misdiagnosed due to its rarity and nonspecific presentation. In this patient with recurrent lung cancer, it was initially mistaken for an acute myocardial infarction.

CLL presenting with central airway obstruction

Central airway obstruction is a very rare complication in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, but in this case, chest tightness and dyspnea due to obstruction were the presenting features.

Novel causative agent of VAP

Myceliophthora heterothallica is an environmental fungus and has not previously been reported to be pathogenic in humans. But it was identified as the cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia in this patient.

Cerebral artery vasoconstriction after migraine treatment

A 40-year-old patient with high-frequency episodic migraine with visual aura developed numbness in her right extremities and face 10 min after a loading dose of galcanezumab.