DOI: 10.1055/s-00000017

Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes

Issue 06 · Volume 123 · June 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-29287


Brito, R.; Castillo, G.; González, J.; Valls, N.; Rodrigo, R.: Oxidative Stress in Hypertension: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities


Cvijovic, G.; Micic, D.; Kendereski, A.; Milic, N.; Zoric, S.; Sumarac-Dumanovic, M.; Stamenkovic-Pejkovic, D.; Polovina, S.; Jeremic, D.; Gligic, A.: The Effect of Parathyroidectomy on Insulin Sensitivity in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism – an never Ending Story?
Askitis, D.; Kloos, C.; Battefeld, W.; Müller, N.; Wolf, G.; Dirsch, O.; Müller, U. A.: Complete Evaluation of Adrenal Tumours in a Tertiary Care Institution in Thuringia, Germany
Roth, J.; Milke, B.; Müller, N.; Zitterbart, U.; Rechtacek, S.; Rechtacek, T.; Kloos, C.; Wolf, G.; Müller, U. A.: People with Type 2 Diabetes on Premixed Insulin Therapy: How is the Daily Insulin Dose Partitioned and are there Effects on the Metabolic Control?
Gan, Y.; Dang, N.; Qu, Z.; Shi, R.; Ding, L.; Wang, L.; Pang, S.: GLP-1-Exendin-4/IgG4 (Fc) Fusion Protein as a Novel Drug for Diabetes Treatment
Yilmaz, H.; Cakmak, M.; Darcin, T.; Demir, C.; Inan, O.; Ceydilek, B.; Onaran, Y.; Bavbek, N.; Bilgic, M. A.; Akcay, A.: Elevated Plasma Levels of Betatrophin in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus