Caregiver burden in pediatric kidney disease is under-recognized and unquantified. The Pediatric Renal Caregiver Burden Scale (PR-CBS) is a validated tool that evaluates caregiver burden in this population. This study assesses caregiver burden at a tertiary center pediatric hospital in the following groups: dialysis, early post-kidney transplant (KT) (30 to 364 days), and late post-KT (> 1 year). Additionally, we aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of a translated PR-CBS among Spanish-speaking caregivers.
In this cross-sectional study, caregivers were approached at clinic visits to complete the PR-CBS. Total PR-CBS scores (ranging 51 to 255) and mean domain scores (ranging 1 to 5) were calculated. Descriptive statistics and t-tests were performed.
Of the 30 caregivers approached, 26 consented: five of children receiving dialysis and 21 post-transplant. Survey completion was 100%. Total burden score was higher for caregivers of children on dialysis than post-KT, but not significantly (160 vs. 117, p = 0.09). The mean score for every domain was higher for caregivers of children on dialysis with significant differences in family life and caregiver identity (respectively, p = 0.04 and p = 0.03). PR-CBS scores did not differ across demographics. Four surveys were completed in Spanish; no significant difference was found.
Caregivers of children with kidney failure experience significant burden. While a small sample size limited this study, there was a trend for higher burden scores among caregivers of children on dialysis compared to post-KT. A larger, adequately powered study is needed to further assess the degree of burden in this population.
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