Issue 1/2017
Content (24 Articles)
Pre-operative anaemia is associated with total morbidity burden on days 3 and 5 after cardiac surgery: a cohort study
- Open Access
- Research
Julie Sanders, Jackie A. Cooper, Daniel Farrar, Simon Braithwaite, Updeshbir Sandhu, Michael G. Mythen, Hugh E. Montgomery
Predictors of total morbidity burden on days 3, 5 and 8 after cardiac surgery
- Open Access
- Research
Julie Sanders, Jackie Cooper, Michael G. Mythen, Hugh E. Montgomery
Physical activity levels in locally advanced rectal cancer patients following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and an exercise training programme before surgery: a pilot study
- Open Access
- Research
Lisa Loughney, Malcolm A. West, Borislav D. Dimitrov, Graham J. Kemp, Michael PW. Grocott, Sandy Jack
American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) joint consensus statement on prevention of postoperative infection within an enhanced recovery pathway for elective colorectal surgery
- Open Access
- Consensus
Stefan D. Holubar, Traci Hedrick, Ruchir Gupta, John Kellum, Mark Hamilton, Tong J. Gan, Monty G. Mythen, Andrew D. Shaw, Timothy E. Miller, Timothy E. Miller, Andrew D. Shaw, Michael G. Mythen, Tong J. Gan, Matthew D. McEvoy, Michael J. Scott, Deborah Gordon, Stuart Grant, Julie E. M. Thacker, Christopher L. Wu, Julie E.M. Thacker, Robert H. Thiele, Karthik Raghunathan, CS Brudney, Dileep N. Lobo, Daniel Martin, Anthony Senagore, Stefan D. Holubar, Traci Hedrick, John Kellum, Ruchir Gupta, Mark Hamilton, S. Ramani Moonesinghe, Mike P. W. Grocott, Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, Thomas J. Hopkins, Roberto Bergamaschi, Stuart McCluskey
“Simplified International Recommendations for the Implementation of Patient Blood Management” (SIR4PBM)
- Open Access
- Consensus statement
Patrick Meybohm, Bernd Froessler, Lawrence T. Goodnough, Andrew A. Klein, Manuel Muñoz, Michael F. Murphy, Toby Richards, Aryeh Shander, Donat R. Spahn, Kai Zacharowski
American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) joint consensus statement on measurement to maintain and improve quality of enhanced recovery pathways for elective colorectal surgery
- Open Access
- Consensus statement
S. Ramani Moonesinghe, Michael P. W. Grocott, Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, Roberto Bergamaschi, Vijaya Gottumukkala, Thomas J. Hopkins, Stuart McCluskey, Tong J. Gan, Michael Monty G. Mythen, Andrew D. Shaw, Timothy E. Miller, Timothy E. Miller, Andrew D. Shaw, Michael G. Mythen, Tong J. Gan, Matthew D. McEvoy, Michael J. Scott, Deborah Gordon, Stuart Grant, Julie K. M. Thacker, Christopher L. Wu, Robert H. Thiele, Karthik Raghunathan, C. S. Brudney, Dileep N. Lobo, Daniel Martin, Anthony Senagore, Stefan D. Holubar, Traci Hedrick, John Kellum, Ruchir Gupta, Mark Hamilton, S. Ramani Moonesinghe, Mike P. W. Grocott, Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, Thomas J. Hopkins, Roberto Bergamaschi, Stuart McCluskey, Vijaya Gottumukkala
American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) Joint Consensus Statement on Optimal Analgesia within an Enhanced Recovery Pathway for Colorectal Surgery: Part 2—From PACU to the Transition Home
- Open Access
- Consensus
Michael J. Scott, Matthew D. McEvoy, Debra B. Gordon, Stuart A. Grant, Julie K. M. Thacker, Christopher L. Wu, Tong J. Gan, Monty G. Mythen, Andrew D. Shaw, Timothy E. Miller, Michael Scott, Matthew McEvoy, Debra Gordon, Stuart Grant, Julie Thacker, Christopher Wu, Tong Gan, Monty Mythen, Andrew Shaw, Timothy Miller
American Society for Enhanced Recovery (ASER) and Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) joint consensus statement on optimal analgesia within an enhanced recovery pathway for colorectal surgery: part 1—from the preoperative period to PACU
- Open Access
- Consensus
Matthew D. McEvoy, Michael J. Scott, Debra B. Gordon, Stuart A. Grant, Julie K. M. Thacker, Christopher L. Wu, Tong J. Gan, Monty G. Mythen, Andrew D. Shaw, Timothy E. Miller, Robert H. Thiele, Karthik Raghunathan, C. S. Brudney, Dileep N. Lobo, Daniel Martin, Anthony Senagore, Stefan D. Holubar, Traci Hedrick, John Kellum, Ruchir Gupta, Mark Hamilton, S. Ramani Moonesinghe, Mike P. W. Grocott, Elliott Bennett-Guerrero, Thomas J. Hopkins, Roberto Bergamaschi, Stuart McCluskey, Vijaya Gottumukkala
Re-designing the pathway to surgery: better care and added value
- Open Access
- Opinion
Michael P. W. Grocott, James O. M. Plumb, Mark Edwards, Imogen Fecher-Jones, Denny Z. H. Levett
Evaluation of operating room reverse Trendelenburg positioning and its effect on postoperative hypoxemia, aspiration, and length of stay: a retrospective study of consecutive patients
- Open Access
- Research
C. Michael Dunham, Barbara M. Hileman, Amy E. Hutchinson, Tamara Antonaccio, Elisha A. Chance, Gregory S. Huang, Gregory Szmaj, Kristen Calabro, Cynthia Bishop, Tyson T. Schrickel
The prevalence of pulmonary complications after thoracic and abdominal surgery and associated risk factors in patients admitted at a government hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe-a retrospective study
- Open Access
- Research
Cathrine Tadyanemhandu, Rufaro Mukombachoto, Clement Nhunzvi, Farayi Kaseke, Vasco Chikwasha, Samson Chengetanai, Shamila Manie
Preoperative fluid retention increases blood loss during major open abdominal surgery
- Open Access
- Research
Robert G. Hahn, Hans Bahlmann, Lena Nilsson
Enhanced recovery protocols for colorectal surgery and postoperative renal function: a retrospective review
- Open Access
- Research
Charles R. Horres, Mohamed A. Adam, Zhifei Sun, Julie K. Thacker, Richard E. Moon, Timothy E. Miller, Stuart A. Grant
Pre- to postoperative coagulation profile of 307 patients undergoing oesophageal resection with epidural blockade over a 10-year period in a single hospital: implications for the risk of spinal haematoma
- Open Access
- Research
Owain Thomas, Emanuel Lybeck, Per Flisberg, Ulf Schött
Fluid resuscitation practices in cardiac surgery patients in the USA: a survey of health care providers
- Open Access
- Research
Solomon Aronson, Paul Nisbet, Martin Bunke
Surgeons’ views on preoperative medical evaluation: a qualitative study
- Open Access
- Research
Kevin R. Riggs, Zackary D. Berger, Martin A. Makary, Eric B. Bass, Geetanjali Chander
The effect of natural sounds on the anxiety of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery
- Open Access
- Research
Mohammad Javad Amiri, Tabandeh Sadeghi, Tayebeh Negahban Bonabi
Association of postoperative nausea/vomiting and pain with breastfeeding success
- Open Access
- Research
Ramon Abola, Jamie Romeiser, Suman Grewal, Sabeen Rizwan, Rishimani Adsumelli, Ellen Steinberg, Elliott Bennett-Guerrero
Rationale for and approach to preoperative opioid weaning: a preoperative optimization protocol
- Open Access
- Review
Heath McAnally
Are physician assistant and patient airway assessments reliable compared to anesthesiologist assessments in detecting difficult airways in general surgical patients?
- Open Access
- Research
Erin Payne, Jacqueline Ragheb, Elizabeth S. Jewell, Betsy P. Huang, Angela M. Bailey, Laura M. Fritsch, Milo Engoren
A systematic review and overview of health economic evaluations of emergency laparotomy
- Open Access
- Research
Sohail Bampoe, Peter M. Odor, S. Ramani Moonesinghe, Matthew Dickinson
Comparison of risk-scoring systems in the prediction of outcome after liver resection
- Open Access
- Research
S. Ulyett, G. Shahtahmassebi, S. Aroori, M. J. Bowles, C. D. Briggs, M. G. Wiggans, G. Minto, D. A. Stell
Impact of ASA score misclassification on NSQIP predicted mortality: a retrospective analysis
- Open Access
- Research
Alex Helkin, Sumeet V. Jain, Angelika Gruessner, Maureen Fleming, Leslie Kohman, Michael Costanza, Robert N. Cooney
Immunonutrition within enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS): an unresolved matter
- Open Access
- Editorial
Ruchir Gupta, Anthony Senagore