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Pediatrics Neonatology


Sequential oral agents do not equal insulin in gestational diabetes

Sequential oral metformin and glyburide is not equivalent to insulin for gestational diabetes with respect to the proportion of infants born large for gestational age.

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Editor's Choice

Handheld ultra-widefield OCT device may improve ROP examination

An ultra-widefield optical coherence tomography device can provide high-quality images for use in diagnosing retinopathy of prematurity without the need for scleral depression.

Type 1 diabetes and glucose control during labor and delivery

An update on diabetes management during labor and delivery in women with type 1 diabetes, focusing on insulin administration, carbohydrate supply, and the use of diabetes technology.

Gut microbiome: importance of the perinatal period

The neonatal microbiome plays a vital role in shaping the immune system, metabolism, and neurodevelopment of infants. What factors influence microbial colonization, and how could interventions optimize microbiome development?

Multiple metabolic markers may signal SIDS risk for newborns

Multiple metabolic markers that are routinely measured during newborn screening programs are linked to SIDS and may be useful for identifying children at risk soon after they are born.

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Case Studies

Aciclovir extravasation in a newborn

Neonates have higher risk of extravasation as their tiny and fragile vessels make catheterization difficult, but there’s no treatment protocol. How would you manage aciclovir extravasation?

Neonatal meningitis: new and old lessons

A premature infant presented with extensive CNS injury from recurrent E. coli infection, requiring non-traditional methods to identify and clear the infection.

Treating type V aplasia cutis congenita

ACC is a rare congenital disorder characterized by absence of skin. In this newborn with large abdominal skin defects, more than 60% of the skin completed epithelization after 5 weeks of conservative treatment.

Current Reviews

Economic evaluation of newborn screening for congenital cytomegalovirus infection: A systematic review

Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection occurs through placental transmission from mother to fetus. Of infected infants, 10%−15% are symptomatic while 85%−90% are asymptomatic [ 1 , 2 ]. The main clinical manifestation is sensorineural hearing …

Metabolic acidosis and sudden infant death syndrome: overlooked data provides insight into SIDS pathogenesis

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is defined as “the sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age which remains unexplained after thorough investigation including a complete autopsy, death scene investigation, and detailed clinical and …

Acute symptomatic seizures in newborns: a narrative review

Acute symptomatic seizures are the main sign of neurological dysfunction in newborns. This is linked to the unique characteristics of the neonatal brain, making it hyperexcitable compared to older ages, and to the common occurrence of some forms …

An overview of current advances in perinatal alcohol exposure and pathogenesis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

The adverse use of alcohol is a serious global public health problem. Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy usually causes prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in the developing fetus, leading to a spectrum of disorders known as fetal alcohol …

Further Reading

Screening for sickle cell disease by point-of-care tests in Italy: pilot study on 1000 at risk children

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a global health problem causing premature deaths and preventable severe chronic complications. A priority goal to improve outcomes both in the short and long term is the screening for early diagnosis and access to …

Analysis of the surprise question as a tool for predicting death in neonates

The Surprise Question (SQ) is a tool used in palliative care or in certain situations of uncertainty in which there is a real possibility of death in a patient. This tool is based on the answer from the patient’s physician to the question, “Would …

Evidence certainty in neonatology—a meta-epidemiological analysis of Cochrane reviews

We hypothesized that certainty of the available evidence is relatively low in neonatology. Thus, we designed a meta-epidemiological review to examine what is the certainty of evidence in the latest Cochrane neonatal reviews and investigate if the …

Diagnosing milk aspiration as a cause of death in sudden unexpected infant death: forensic insights from post-mortem analysis impacting criminal investigations

Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) encompasses both explained and unexplained infant fatalities. When a comprehensive investigation yields inconclusive results, the case is classified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). On the other hand …