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01-11-2024 | Lymphedema | Editorial

Expert-consensus on lymphedema surgeries: candidacy, prehabilitation, and postoperative care

Authors: Justin Sacks, Breanne Riley, David Doubblestein, John P. Kirby, Anna Towers, Kathy Weatherly

Published in: Medical Oncology | Issue 11/2024

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For over 2 decades, the mainstay of lymphedema treatment has been complete decongestive therapy, however, surgical options are available when conservative treatment is not successful in reducing lymphedema. Standardized pre-surgical and post-surgical guidelines for candidates are not readily available. As part of the 2023 Lymphedema Summit that was sponsored by the American Cancer Society, and the Lymphology Association of North America, an expert consensus workgroup was formed and developed an expert consensus which affirms the importance of pre-surgical guidelines for candidates with lymphedema. The workgroup recommended that guidelines should be tailored to four major end-user groups: (1) patients, (2) referring physicians, (3) allied health professionals, and (4) surgeons.
Expert-consensus on lymphedema surgeries: candidacy, prehabilitation, and postoperative care
Justin Sacks
Breanne Riley
David Doubblestein
John P. Kirby
Anna Towers
Kathy Weatherly
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Medical Oncology / Issue 11/2024
Print ISSN: 1357-0560
Electronic ISSN: 1559-131X

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