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Open Access 01-12-2024 | Lung Cancer | Case Report

Tracheopericardial fistula in lung cancer masquerading as acute myocardial infarction: a case report

Authors: Shuyan Gao, Ran An, Chuanhai Wang

Published in: BMC Pulmonary Medicine | Issue 1/2024

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Tracheopericardial fistula is an extremely rare clinical condition caused by lung disease penetrating the tracheal wall and extending to the pericardial cavity, forming a fistula between the airway and the pericardial cavity. Since the pericardial cavity communicates with the respiratory tract, gases, airway secretions and pathogens can enter the cavity, leading to pneumopericardium, effusion and abscess. In severe cases, it can result in cardiac tamponade and cardiogenic shock. Only a few cases of TPF have been reported in the literature. In this report, a 72-year-old man with recurrent lung cancer presented with fever, chest tightness and chest pain. Electrocardiogram showed ST-segment elevation in multiple leads, resembling an acute myocardial infarction. Emergency coronary angiography did not reveal significant stenosis. Further examination with chest computed tomography and bronchoscopy revealed pericardial effusion and a tracheal fistula, leading to the final diagnosis of TPF as a complication of lung cancer. This case aims to enhance understanding and recognition of this clinical entity to reduce misdiagnosis.
Tracheopericardial fistula in lung cancer masquerading as acute myocardial infarction: a case report
Shuyan Gao
Ran An
Chuanhai Wang
Publication date
BioMed Central
Published in
BMC Pulmonary Medicine / Issue 1/2024
Electronic ISSN: 1471-2466

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