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Shiftworking, Nutrition and Obesity: Implications for Workforce Health-A Systematic Review



背景:直到近期,輪班制才被視為職業健康的危害因子之一。方法:利用OVID搜尋網做為電子資料庫的主要搜尋引擎,搜尋Medline、PUBMED和CINHAL上,從1990年至2010年12月期間發表的文章。藉由關鍵字組合,共搜尋到35篇全文和摘要,其中相關文章有16篇。但有一篇為非英文撰寫,因此最後決定收納15篇。將這些研究分成兩個主題:8篇探討關於輪班工作制和肥胖和/或身體質量指數之間的相關性;另7篇則探討輪班制和營養/飲食型態之相關性。進行搜尋時亦考慮研究的類型。結果:在收納文獻中,包含1篇介入性、9篇橫斷性和5篇世代型研究。由7篇橫斷性和1 篇世代研究結果顯示,輪班工作者有較高的身體質量指數/肥胖盛行率;介入性、1篇橫斷性和3篇世代研究結果指出,輪班工作者比起日班工作者,有較高的用餐頻率或較差的營養品質/習慣。另一篇橫斷性研究則顯示,兩種工作制之間並無顯著差異。結論:就肥胖或高身體質量指數而言,大部分橫斷性研究指出,輪班工作會使體重增加幅度加大並提高肥胖盛行率。另一方面,有一半的世代研究顯示輪班工作者有較高的用餐頻率和/或較差的營養品質。總的來說,輪班工作對於員工的健康和營養狀態有負面影響。


Background: Shiftworking has long been unrecognised as an occupational health hazard up until now. Methods: Electronic databases were searched using OVID host as the main search engine for Medline, PUBMED and CINHAL during the years 1990-December 2010. Combinations of the keywords yielded 35 full papers and abstracts, of which 16 articles were relevant. One paper was not in English, leaving 15 included in this review after final reconsideration. Studies were categorised into two main titles: studies assessing the association between shift working and obesity and/or BMI (n=8) and studies assessing the association between shift working and nutritional/ dietary patterns (n=7). Type of study was also considered as a part of the search strategy. Results: In total, one interventional, nine cross-sectional and five cohort studies were retrieved. Seven cross-sectional studies and one cohort study showed a higher BMI/obesity prevalence in shiftworks. Interventional, one cross-sectional and three cohort studies showed higher frequency of meal intake or poor nutrition quality/habits in the shift workers compared with the day-shift workers. Another cross-sectional study showed no difference between workers. Conclusion: In terms of obesity or high BMI, majority of cross-sectional studies indicate that shiftwork increases weight gain and the prevalence of obesity. On the other hand, half of cohort studies show higher frequency of meal intake and/or poor nutrition quality in the shift workers. Generally, it is indicated that shift working negatively impacts on health and nutritional status of workforces.


shift working nutrition obesity workforce systematic review


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