Online ISSN : 1881-4883
Print ISSN : 0369-4305
ISSN-L : 0369-4305
骨SPECT 定量における異なる校正用線源の相互校正の精度
宮司 典明三輪 建太茂木 一樹梅田 拓朗我妻 慧深井 翔平滝口 智洋寺内 隆司小泉 満
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 73 巻 6 号 p. 443-450


Purpose: Several cross-calibration schemes have been proposed to produce quantitative values in bone SPECT imaging. Differences in the radionuclide sources and geometric conditions can decrease the accuracy of cross-calibration factor (CCF). The present study aimed to validate the effects of calibration schemes using different sources under various geometric conditions. Methods: Temporal variations as well as variations in acquisition counts and the shapes of 57Co standard and 99mTc point sources and a 99mTc disk source were determined. The effects of the geometric conditions of the source-to-camera distance (SCD) and lateral distance on the CCF were investigated by moving the camera or source away from the origin. The system planar sensitivity of NEMA incorporated into a Symbia Intevo SPECT/CT device (Siemens®) was defined as reference values. Results: The temporal variation in CCF using the 57Co source was relatively stable within the range of 0.7% to 2.3%, whereas the 99mTc source ranged from 2.7% to 7.3%. In terms of source shape, the 57Co standard point source was the most stable. Both SCD and lateral distance decreased as a function of distance from the origin. Errors in the geometric condition were higher for the 57Co standard point source than the 99mTc disk source. Conclusions: Different calibration schemes influenced the reliability of quantitative values. The 57Co standard point source was stable over a long period, and this helped to maintain the quality of quantitative SPECT/CT imaging data. The CCF accuracy of the 99mTc source decreased depending on the preparative method. The method of calibration for quantitative SPECT should be immediately standardized to eliminate uncertainty.

© 2017 公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
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