Cancer Communications
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Technology update for the sorting and identification of breast cancer stem cells
Jian Chen , Zeng-Liang Chen
School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, P. R. China.
[Abstract] Breast cancer stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells with self-renewal and multidifferentiation potential. Chemotherapeutic and radiotherapeutic resistance, hypoxic resistance, high tumorigenicity, high cell invasion, and metastatic abilities are characteristics of these cells, which are responsible for breast cancer recurrence. Therefore, the correct sorting and identification of breast cancer stem cells is a primary step for research in this field. This article briefly describes the recent progress on sorting and identification technologies for breast cancer stem cells. Sorting technologies include the side population technique, technologies that depend on cell surface markers, ALDEFLUOR assays, and in situ detection. Identification technologies include mammosphere cultures, limited dilution in vitro, and in-vivo animal models. This review provides an important reference for breast cancer stem cell research, which will explore new methods for the treatment of patients with breast cancer.
Chinese Journal of Cancer 2010, Volume: 29, Issue 3, Page: 265-
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