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European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2017 October;53(5):633-42

DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.17.04551-8


language: English

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation program after breast cancer: benefits on physical function, anthropometry and quality of life

Anne-France LECLERC 1, 2 , Marguerite FOIDART-DESSALLE 1, 2, Marco TOMASELLA 1, 2, Philippe COUCKE 3, Martine DEVOS 4, Olivier BRUYÈRE 5, Thierry BURY 1, 2, Dorian DEFLANDRE 1, Guy JERUSALEM 6, Eric LIFRANGE 7, Jean-François KAUX 1, 2, Jean-Michel CRIELAARD 1, 2, Didier MAQUET 1, 2

1 Department of Sport and Rehabilitation Science, Liège University, Liège, Belgium; 2 Department of Physical Medicine, Liège University Hospital, Liège, Belgium; 3 Department of Radiotherapy, Liège University, Liège University Hospital, Liège, Belgium; 4 Clinical Hematology Service, Oncology Center, Liège University Hospital, Liège, Belgium; 5 Department of Public Health, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Liège University, Liège, Belgium; 6 Division of Medical Oncology, Liège University, Liège University Hospital, Liège, Belgium; 7 Department of Senology, Liège University Hospital, Liège, Belgium


BACKGROUND: Different clinical trials show beneficial effects of physical training offered during and/or after breast cancer treatment. However, given the variety of side effects that may be encountered, physical training could be combined with psychological, relational and social guidance. This kind of multidisciplinary program has been little studied so far.
AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the benefits of a three-month multidisciplinary rehabilitation program among women after breast cancer treatment.
DESIGN: Controlled no-randomized trial.
SETTING: University for outcomes, University Hospital Center for interventions.
POPULATION: Two hundred and nine outpatients who have been treated for a primary breast carcinoma.
METHODS: Patients were divided into a control group (N.=106) and an experimental group (N.=103) which has benefited from a rehabilitation program of three months including physical training and psycho-educational sessions. The assessments, performed before and after the program, included functional assessments (“Sit and Reach Test”, maximal incremental exercise test and “Six-Minute Walk Test”), body composition measurements (Body Mass Index [BMI] and body fat percentage) and a questionnaire (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30).
RESULTS: After three months, flexibility, walking distance and all parameters measured during the maximal incremental exercise, except maximal heart rate, were significantly improved in the experimental group. The body fat percentage was significantly decreased and a significant improvement was observed for perceived health status (quality of life), functional role, emotional state, physical, cognitive and social functions and for most symptoms. In the control group, most of these improvements didn’t appear and a significant increase in BMI and body fat percentage was observed.
CONCLUSIONS: This trial identifies the benefits of a well detailed multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, including physical re-conditioning and psycho-educational sessions, with important improvements in functional capacity, body composition and the majority of functions and symptoms among women after breast cancer treatment.
CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: Through its results, this study could contribute to the development of hospital quality standards for oncologic rehabilitation. Physiotherapists can efficiently propose this kind of multidisciplinary rehabilitation program.

KEY WORDS: Breast neoplasms - Rehabilitation - Body composition - Quality of life

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