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Published in: Tumor Biology 4/2016

01-04-2016 | Original Article

miR-339-5p inhibits migration and invasion in ovarian cancer cell lines by targeting NACC1 and BCL6

Authors: Weiwei Shan, Jun Li, Yang Bai, Xin Lu

Published in: Tumor Biology | Issue 4/2016

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This study aimed to explore the role of miR-339-5p in ovarian cancer. The expression of miR-339-5p in seven ovarian cancer cell lines (Hey, SKOV3, OVCAR5, SKOV3-IP, A2780, CAOV3, and OVCA433) was detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The miR-339-5p mimic and inhibitor were used to regulate its expression. Migration, invasion, and proliferation were examined. A bioinformatics analysis was used to predict targets, and a dual-luciferase reporter system was applied for validation, along with Western blot verification. Additionally, the association of miR-339-5p and its target genes with ovarian cancer was analyzed based on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. OVCAR5 and SKOV3 had the highest and lowest miR-339-5p expression, respectively. Inhibition of miR-339-5p expression increased the migration and invasion of OVCAR5 cells, while in SKOV3 cells, upregulated miR-339-5p attenuated the migration and invasion ability. Modulation of miR-339-5p had no effect on proliferation. The genes nucleus accumbens associated 1(BEN and BTB (POZ) domain containing) (NACC1) and B cell lymphoma-6 (bcl6) were validated to be targets of miR-339-5p. Clinically, patients with a high expression of NACC1 had a high risk in the survival analysis. miR-339-5p inhibits migration and invasion in ovarian cancer by targeting NACC1 and BCL6. miR-339-5p may be a biomarker of metastasis in ovarian cancer; NACC1 had a predictive value for ovarian cancer progression.
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miR-339-5p inhibits migration and invasion in ovarian cancer cell lines by targeting NACC1 and BCL6
Weiwei Shan
Jun Li
Yang Bai
Xin Lu
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
Tumor Biology / Issue 4/2016
Print ISSN: 1010-4283
Electronic ISSN: 1423-0380

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